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Sam:That something is?
You:None your damn business Sam.
Jake:Oh shit. He mumbles.
Sam:Don't gotta be so rude Damn.
Colby:Jaden don't.
You:I'm not doing anything like fuck dude. You say angrily.
Colby:Calm down baby.
You:I'm going upstairs. are you coming or not!? You scream getting up.
Colby:I'll give you some space.
You:Anybody?! You shout looking at Sam,Colby,and Jake.
Jake:Me and Colby will. Right Colby? He says looking over and mouthing yes.
Colby:R-Right! He says getting up.
You:Come the fuck on then! You say stomping upstairs.
Jake:C-Coming! He says catching up behind you.
Colby:I-Im coming! He says running up behind Jake.
You:God damn. You mumble under your breath walking in your room.
Colby:A-Are you okay? He says sitting next to you.
You:Never been better! You say laying your head on his lap.
Jake:You can p-put your legs on my l-lap he says patting your leg.
You:Thank you bubba. You say moving your legs.
Colby:You wanna t-talk about it.? He says looking at down at you.
Jake:We are a-always here for you.
You: I'm just so upset.
Colby:What are you upset about?
You:People just asking stupid ass questions.
Jake:I get like that sometimes. He says looking at you.
Colby:We all do every once in awhile it's normal.
You:You guys are right.
Jake:Listen I have some plans I gotta go I love you text me if you need me.
You:Will you tell Sam I'm sorry for yelling at him?
Jake:Of course! He says getting up.
Colby:See you later brother.
Jake:Later brother. He says walking out the door.
Colby:Are you okay baby? He says looking at you.
You:I'm fine now. You say leaning up and laying your head on his shoulder.
Colby:Let's turn on something. He says grabbing the TV remote.
You:Okay. You whisper.
Colby:Let's watch "Monsters university"!
You:I love that movie! You say looking at him.
Colby:Perfect. He says clicking it.
You:It's so cute. You say getting a little sad.
Colby:Hey, what's wrong? He says moving to look at you.
You:Just thinking about when me and Jake were kids. We loved this movie when we were little.
Colby:That's cute. He says kissing your forehead.
You:Sorry. You say rubbing your eyes so you don't cry.
Colby:It's okay baby. He says cupping your cheeks.
You:Let's just watch the movie. You say crawling in between his legs.
Colby:Want me to play with your hair?
You:Please? You say laying your head on his stomach.
Colby:Sure. He says running his hands threw your hair.
You:Thank you. You say closing your eyes.
You fall asleep as Colby plays with your hair, he doesn't notice and continues to watch the movie after the movie he wakes you up to go downstairs.
Colby:Baby, wake up. He says nudging you a little bit.
You:Huh? You say waking up.
Colby:Let's go downstairs.
You:Okay. You say stretching.
You guys get up and go downstairs.
Sam:Hey! He says running over.
Colby:Hey brother!
You:Hey. You say rubbing your eyes.
Sam:Listen it's okay Jaden it happens to everyone. He says hugging you.
You:I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scream! You say bursting out in tears.
Sam:Hey, it's okay. He says rubbing your back.
You:No it's not okay! You say crying even more.
Sam:Hey let's sit down. He says picking you up.
You:I'm sorry. You say wrapping your legs around his waist.
Colby:I'm going to bathroom I'll be back. He says getting red.
Sam:Okay. He says playing with your hair.
You:It's my fault. You say nuzzling your head in his neck crying.
Sam:Look at me.
You:What? You say looking at him.
Sam:It's okay. It's not your fault. He says cupping your cheeks.
You:B-But I'm the one who yelled. You say looking down and fidgeting with your hands.
Sam:It's fine. He says putting his hand on yours.
You:I should probably move. You say seeing Colby walk in the room.
Colby:Work everything out? He says looking at Sam.
Sam:Perfect. He says putting a thumbs up.
Colby:Come here baby. He says sitting down.
You:Okay. You say crawling on his lap facing him.
Colby:So. He says looking in your eyes.
You:I'm tired you say putting your head in his neck.
Colby:You can go to sleep if you too. He says rubbing back.
You:I'm tired alright. You whisper in his ear starting to kiss his neck.
Colby:Not right now baby. Sams right there. He whispers.
You:I'm just kissing you! You whisper.
You:You fell for it~ you whisper starting to kiss his neck.
Colby:Fell for what?
You:This. You say moving your head and kissing him.
Colby:Baby what did I say. He whispers looking in your eyes.
You:Fineee. You say getting up and sitting in between him and Sam.
Sam:So.. he says looking over at you and Colby.
Colby:Uhm you wanna play video games Sam?
Sam:Sure. He says moving down to the floor.
Colby:Is that okay baby? He says looking at you then Sam.
You:It's fine babe. You say messing up his hair.
Colby:Thanks! He says sitting on the floor.
Sam:Thanks Jaden! He says handing Colby a controller.
Jake:IM HOME! He shouts coming in the door.
You:JAKE! You scream running to him.
Jake:I got some McDonald's! He says holding up the bag.
You:What else did you do? Cause I'm bored out of my mind!
Jake:Well I went to see Tara, then I went to McDonald's!
You:Well can you take me to the mall? You say pouting.
Jake:No not today.
You:Please! You say giving him puppy eyes.
Jake:Fine. Go get dressed.
You:Okay! You say running upstairs.
Jake:Hey you guys wanna come to mall with us? He says walking into the living room.
Colby:I'll come.
Sam:Me too!
Jake:Get dressed or what ever the fuck.
Colby:I just need a shirt so I'll be right back.
Sam:Let me get my shoes on!
      Everyone gets ready.
You:I'm ready!
Sam:I've been ready.
Jake:Okay let's get in the car. He says opening the door.
You:I call front! You say running to Jakes car.
Sam:Damn it!
                  You all drive to the mall.
Jake:So where are we going first?
Sam:It's up to Jaden or you brother
Colby:I'm with whatever
Jake:Jaden you pick
You:No you guys pick first I'll pick last
Jake:I think we should go to the game store
You:Well I'm going to Victoria's Secret so bye guys! You say running off.
Colby:Wait up! He says catching up to you.
You:You actually wanna come with me?
Colby: Im coming with you I don't want you alone in that store. He says holding your hand.
You:Okay! You say walking into Victoria's Secret.
Colby:Uhm what are you getting? He says looking at you.
You:Well I need some more bras, and panties but I'm only trying on bras.
Colby:O-Okay. He says looking at the floor.
You:Excuse me! You say waving a worker over.
???:What do you need ma'am? She says cheerfully.
You:I wanna try on this bra and panties set please.
???:Okay right this way! She says taking you to the dressing rooms.
You:Thank you! You say pulling Colby on behind you.
Colby:Shouldn't I be waiting out there?
You:No just tell me if it looks good! You say starting to take off your shirt.
Colby:O-Okay. He says sitting down.
You:So this is the bra. What do you think? You say turning to him.
Colby:Sexy. He says staring at your tits.
You:Okay I'm gonna try the panties now. You say taking your pants off.
Colby:F-Fuck. He whispers to himself.
You:These are the panties! What do think? You say letting him look at the whole thing.
Colby:Hot. He says slapping your ass.
You:Thank you. You giggle.
Colby:Now let's go. He says looking at your clothes.
You:I have to change first!
You:okay I'm changed!
You:Excuse me! You say waving the women over.
???:Is this what your getting? She says taking you to the front.
You:Yep! You say looking at Colby.
???:Great! That is...$10.33!
You:Okay! You say getting your card out.
Colby:Stop. I'll pay. He says grabbing his wallet.
You:You don't have too.
Colby:Well I'm going to.
???:Thank you for shopping at Victoria's Secret! She says waving bye.
Jake:Took you guys long enough. He says standing up from the little bench.
You:Sorry but Colby decided that he was gonna pay right at the last second! You say looking at him.
Jake:Well at least he was being nice!
You:Yea, thank you baby.
Colby:Your welcome.
You:Hey, where's Sam?
Jake:Oh he went to bathroom
Colby:Well let's go wait for him
Jake:Come on then. He says walking towards the bathroom.
You:We're coming! You say pulling Colby with you.
Jake:Now just wait. He says leaning against the wall playing on his phone.
Sam:Hey guys. He says walking out of the bathroom.
Colby:There you are brother
Jake:okay let's go now.
You:Wait! I gotta go to the bathroom!
Jake:Try and be fast.
*With the boys*
Colby:Fix your shirt Sam it's all messed up
Sam:No it's not
Jake:Dude it is. He says pointing at his shirt.
Sam:Fuck. He whispers.
Colby:You okay brother?
Sam:I'm fine. He says fixing his shirt.
Jake:There she is. He says looking at you.
You:Okay let's go!
Sam:Yes let's go.
In the car.
Jake:Hey I'm gonna pick up Tara guys
Sam:Can you get Kat too?
Sam: Thanks
Jake:Someone has to sit on somebody's lap though
You:I'll sit on Colby's lap. You say looking at him.
Colby:That's fine. He says scrolling through his phone.
Jake:Hey come on out here. He says to Tara on the phone.
Tara:I'm coming! She yells running out the door.
Jake:Saved the front for ya! He says rolling his window down.
Tara:Thanks! She says getting in.
Jake:Now where's Kats place? He says pulling out of Taras driveway.
Sam:It's *Address* street
*At Kat's house*
Kat:Hey guys! She says opening Sam's door.
Colby:Come here. He says looking at you.
You:There we go! You say getting on his lap.
Sam:Let's go! He says wrapping his arm around Kat.
Jake:I'm taking a back road so prepare for a bumpy ride!
Everyone says okay as Jake turns to the backroad.
Jake:That's the spirt!
You:O-Ow. You whisper as Jake hits a bump.
Colby:Fuck. He groans.
Sam:You okay brother? He says looking over at Colby.
Colby:I'm fine. He says trying to cover up his obvious boner.
Sam:Alright then. He says looking out the window.
Colby:Baby scoot back your hurting my legs. He whines.
You:Fine. You say scoot back.
Kat:Instagram pic? She says asking Tara.
Tara:Hell yea! She says getting her phone out.
You:Your hurting me! You whisper looking at Colby.
Colby:Sorry. He says moving you on top of his boner.
You:Colby! You almost shout.
You:Your still hurting me! You say as you feel his boner.
Colby:S-Sorry! He says trying to reposition.
You:S-Stop. You say looking at him.
Sam:Jake are we almost there?
Jake:Yea why?
Sam:My legs hurt
Jake:I can stop and we can all stretch?
Jake:Okay. He says pulling over.
Kat:Here Sam. She says getting out.
You:Fuck. You say getting out and stretching.
Jake:Why don't you get out Colby?
Colby:I-I'm fine.
Jake:Let's go guys we're almost there. He says getting in the car.
You:Damn it. You whisper.
Colby:FUCK! He screams as you sit down on his lap.
Sam:Dude are you okay?!
You:I'm so sorry!
Colby: It's o-okay.
You:What did I hit?!
Colby:C-Can we just go home? He says ignoring the question.
Jake:We are literally almost there.
Sam:Go faster!
                     At the house.
Sam:Finally. He says walking in the door.
Colby:Excuse me brother! He says rushing to the bathroom.
You:That was weird. You say looking at Sam.
Jake:Let's go Tara. He says wrapping his arm around her.
Tara:Okay! She says walking to Jakes room.
Kat:Let's go Sam I wanna cuddle.
Sam:I'm cold anyways
You:Damn. You whisper.
Kat:Later Jaden!
You:Later Kat! You say seeing Colby walk out of the bathroom.
Colby:Hey baby. He says sitting down.
Colby:You wanna go upstairs? He says putting a pillow on his lap.
You:I wanna change anyways. You say getting up.
Colby:Okay. He says running upstairs.
You:Your room? You say loudly.
You:I'll just steal your shirt.
Colby:O-Okay! He says sitting on his bed quickly grabbing the blanket.
You:Ooh! This one! You say taking your shirt off.
Colby:P-Please put a s-shirt on. He says whining.
You:What's your problem? You say turning around shirtless.
Colby:P-Please! He says moving the blanket a little bit.
You:I don't have too! You say throwing his shirt on the floor.
Colby:Baby it h-hurts! He whines looking at you.
You:What? You say confused.
Colby:Please help m-me. He says looking at your tits.
You:Because I love you. You say locking the door.
Colby:T-Thank you.
You:Now stand up. You say getting on your knees.
Colby:O-Okay. He says getting up.
You:Can't believe I'm doing this. You say pulling his pants down at little bit.
Colby:Please don't t-tease. He says looking down at you.
You:I won't! You say taking his boner out of his boxers.
You:Okay okay! You say starting to give him a blowjob.
Colby:F-Fuck. He whispers throwing his head back.
You continue to give him a blowjob as you go faster the more he moans.
Colby:I-I'm close! He moans out.
As Colby cums you get up and and ask.
You:Happy now? You say getting up off the floor.
Colby:t-thank you. He says fixing his pants.
You:Now this is not happening again today. You say plopping down on the bed.
Colby:Well I d-didn't plan on it
You:What do you wanna do now? You say looking at him.
Colby:I don't know. He says sitting on the bed.

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