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Jake:Can I come in? as he knocks.
You:Yes as long as your not Cole.
Jake:Hey..he says opening the door.
You:Sorry for the yelling earlier.
Jake:It's ok it happens.
You:Come here Bub!
Jake:You still call me that?
You:Yes now come here.
Jake:You promise your ok? He says sitting down.
You:Yes bub I'm fine! You say laying your head on his shoulder.
Jake:love you sis.
You:Love you bub. You say falling asleep.
Jake:Night. He says scrolling on his phone.
                  ~An hour later~
You:what? You say just waking up.
Jake:I didn't say anything?
You:I'm going downstairs for a drink I'll be right back.
Jake:Ok sis.
        *You go downstairs to drinks*
Tara:Hey are you ok?
You:I'm fine. You say getting the drinks.
You:I'm going back upstairs.
     *You go upstairs with the drinks*
You:Got them!
You:Here you say giving him a coke.
You:Your welcome
Jake:I'm gonna go talk to Tara I'll have Sam or Kat come up he says walking out.
You:Ok you whisper softly.
Sam:Are you ok? He says coming in the doorway.
Sam:Can I sit?
You:Of course you say scooting over a little.
You:Do you wanna watch a movie?
Sam:Nah I'm good.
You:Oh..uhm ok.
Sam:I'm going downstairs.
You:Bye you mumble.
             *You cry as Sam leaves*
Sam:Kat? Tara?
Kat & Tara:We're going.
            *They come upstairs*
You:oh hey..! You say wiping your tears.
Kat:you've been up here for hours.
Tara:You need some fresh air. She says opening a window.
Kat:Have you and Colby made up yet..?
You:Can we talk about something else.
Tara:How about we go swim?
You:That'd be ok.
*You all get ready and meet by the pool*
Kat:There's our girl.
Tara:Come on let's get in.
You:it's gonna be cold you say before diving in.
Kat:Ooo girl!
Tara:It's cold isn't it?
You:Not really you lie.
Kat:Just get in!
Tara:Ok ok!
*Tara gets in and Kat gets in behind her*
You:this is nice.
Kat:Told you.
Tara:it really is nice out here.
You:Wow..You say looking at the stars.

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