You what..?

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You:Oh b-baby. You whisper.
You jump up,him catching you,making out with you, opening the door,locking it and putting you on the bed.
Colby:So beautiful baby. So fucking beautiful. He whispers in your ear.
You:T-Thank you. You moan out.
Colby:We gotta be quiet baby. He whispers.
You:I'll t-try. You whisper.
As you and Colby make out there's a knock on the door.
Jake:Don't sound like talking!
Colby:Can't talk private around here can we? He looks at you.
You:Don't think s-so.
Colby:Let's just go. He pats your thigh.
You guys get up and go downstairs.
Devyn:Jaden! She runs up to you.
You:Devyn!!! You hug her.
Colby:Hey brother.
Jake:Go sit down guys
You:Okay! You squeak.
You both sit down when the door opens.
Tara:Katie! She squeals.
Tara:You made it! She screams scooting over making space.
(Katie isn't real just imagine she is)
Katie:Who are all these people?
Tara:That's Jake, Corey, Sam, Colby, Katrina, Devyn, Kevin, Aryia, and Jaden! She points at everyone.
Katie:Hi everyone!
Sam:Hey. He waves.
Aryia:Oh hey
Jake:Well let's start this party!


Katie:Hi Colby. She falls on him.
Colby:Hi Katie. He helps her.
Katie:Come on let's go upstairs. She pulls him towards the stairs.
Colby:Okay! He wobbles up the stairs.
You:W-Where's Colby? You look around.
Jake:I think he's upstairs! He yells.
You run upstairs and hear noises coming from his room when you open the door.
Katie:OH MY GOD! She quickly gets in his blanket.
Colby:Baby! I-
You:FUCK YOU! You scream.
Colby:Baby please! He quickly gets up.
You:I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT! You scream.
You run downstairs sobbing and run outback sitting on the ground crying into your knees.
Tara:Oh my god what happened!? She yells running up to you.
You:He c-cheated on m-me.
Tara:With who!?
You:T-That K-Katie girl.
Tara: I'm so sorry Jaden.
You:It's okay T-Tara.
Tara:It's my fault. I invited her.
You:Seriously T-Tara i-it's okay.
Tara:Can I tell Jake?
You:P-Please don't he w-will hurt C-Colby.
Tara:Okay I won't.
You:T-Thank you.
Tara:Come on you can sleep with us.
You guys get up and go to Jakes room.
Tara:I'll tell them to make everyone leave.
Tara leaves and tells Jake to make everyone leave.
Jake:Parties over! You hear him yell.
Tara:Okay everyone's leaving.
You:Thank y-you Tara. You look at her.
Tara:Let me get you some clothes from your room.
You:Please get my j-joggers from C- Colby's room.
Tara:Alright I'll be back.


Tara- In Colby's room.
Colby:What Tara.
Tara:Just getting something! She bolts behind Colby.
Tara:Got it!
She runs back to you downstairs.
Tara:I got them! She tosses them to you.
You:Thank you T-Tara.
Tara:Do you want to take a shower? She looks at jakes bathroom.
You change and lay down with Tara as the music gets quieter you drift off to sleep along with Tara.
Tara:Hey get up pretty girl. She gently shakes you.
You:I'm up. You stretch.
Tara:I'll be on the couch. She walks out.
You:Okay. You get up.
Jake:I can make you something sis.
You:I can make it myself. You walk into the kitchen.
As you make food you feel someone's hands touch your waist.
You:Get the fuck off me. You push there hands off.
Colby:Let me explain please!
You:Get off me.
Colby:Baby please!
You:I'm not your baby anymore get off me.
Colby:What a bitch.
You:Don't call me a bitch.
Colby:What are you gonna do about it? Bitch.
You:Such a bitch now, huh? You punch  him in the face.
Colby:Ow what the fuck!? He yells.
You:Am I a bitch now? You get up in his face.
Colby:Get out of my face.
You:Then don't call me a bitch then.
You continue to make your food when Tara comes in.
Tara:What happened? She points at Colby.
You:Called me a bitch so I showed him a bitch.
Tara:Good job but, you can't just punch people in the face pretty girl.
Jake:She punched you in the face!? He screams.
Tara:Sounds like your caught. She grabs a water.
You:C-Coming! You scream nervously.
Tara:I'll come with you.
You walk to the living room with Tara scared Jake will yell at you like dad did.
You:Y-Yes bubba? You play with strings on your pants.
Jake:The fuck did you punch your boyfriend in the face for. He trys not to yell.
You:He's not my boyfriend Jake.
Jake:Quit lying and fucking tell me.
You:He called me a bitch.
Jake:Doesn't mean you punch him in the fucking face! He yells.
You:s-sorry. Tears slowly falling from your eyes.
Colby:Baby don't cry. He gets up.
You:Shut u-up. You wipe your tears.
Colby:It's okay baby. He cups your cheeks.
You:Q-Quit fucking touching m-me.
Tara:Colby stop. Let's go pretty girl. She pulls you to her and Jakes room.
You:S-Sorry. You look down at your hands.
Tara:Hey. It's okay. She cups your cheeks.
You:I- She cuts you off and kisses you.
Tara:I'm sorry I didn't mean to. She pulls away.
You:I-It's okay. You sit there a little flustered.
Tara:Please don't tell Jake.
You:I w-won't.
You guys sit there in silence for a little bit when Tara breaks the silence.
Tara:Let's go sit in the living room.
You guys go sit on the couch, Tara sits with Jake and you sit on the couch where Colby is but you sit farther away from him.
Tara:You guys wanna go out or something? She breaks the silence again.
Jake:Nope. He looks at you angrily.
You:Stop J-Jake. You wipe a tear from your face.
Jake:Still doesn't mean you punch him in the face. He mumbles loudly.
Tara:Jake stop. She feels bad enough. She whispers.
Jake:Good she should feel bad for punching him over a dumb fucking name.
You:You really wanna fucking know why I punched him?
Jake:Yes I do Jaden.
You:He called me a bitch yes, but he cheated on me last night with Katie.
Jake:COLBY BROCK! He shouts standing up.
Tara:Jake stop! She gets up quickly.
Jake:He fucking cheated on my sister! What the hell dude!?
Colby:Katie came on to me!!
You:So you fucked her?! You scream.
Tara:Calm down pretty girl! She rubs your back.
You:Don't pretty girl me. You stomp upstairs.
You run into a room thinking it was yours.
Colby:She will never forgive me. He slams the door.
You:Get out of my room Colby.
Colby:This is my room so you leave.
You lay there crying when you feel a dip in the bed and arms wrap around your waist.
You:Get off me.
Colby:No I wanna explain my self.
You:I don't wanna hear it.
Colby:Well your gonna.
You lay there with your back facing him as he explains his grip on your waist getting tighter so he doesn't cry, you roll over facing him as tears run down his cheeks.
Colby:I'm s-sorry. He sobs putting his head in your neck.
You:It's o-okay Colby.
As Colby cries into your neck you whisper sweet nothings into his ear trying to calm him down.
You:Are you okay now? You whisper into his ear.
Colby:I-I think so. He whispers into your neck.
You:Baby your getting messages. You point at his phone.
Colby:I don't c-care. He nuzzles more into your neck.
You:Fine I'll do check it. You grab his phone.
Colby:IM TRYING TO TAKE A NAP! He yells tiredly.
You:Baby what are yo- Colby smashes his lips on yours before he leaves and says "Tastes like cherry chapstick" before closing the door.
Tara sent a snap*
You:Let's see what Tara wants! You open the snap.

Tara sent a snap*You:Let's see what Tara wants! You open the snap

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Tara:I hate to hurt your feelings pretty girl but that's Katie.
You put your phone down and sigh in disbelief, You get up and go downstairs and lay on couch watching TV slowly falling asleep.
Colby:Baby let's go upstairs. He whispers gently shaking you.
You:What. You mumble tiredly.
Colby:Come on sleepyhead. He whispers picking you up.
After you get upstairs Colby puts you on his bed,then he comes around the other side and lays down next to you.
You:You were gone a long time. You mumble looking at him.
Colby:They were really busy. He puts his head in your neck.
You:Oh..okay. You whisper staring at the wall.
Colby:Baby are you okay? He moves his head.
You:I'm f-fine. You rub your eyes so you don't cry.
Colby:Baby your lying. He pecks your lips a couple times.
You:I'm not lying to yo-He smashes his lips on your roughly.
Colby:Tell me what's wrong. He looks you in the eyes.
You:Tara sent me a picture that kinda upset me that's all.
Colby:Well show me the picture then
You:No baby it's fine.
Colby:No show me the picture.
You:It's fine I pro- He quickly snatches your phone out from under the pillow.
Colby gets on your phone to see what Tara sent.
Colby:Oh.. He whispers looking at the picture Tara sent previously.
You:I told you it's fine!
Colby:I-I'm sorry. He mumbles putting your phone down.
You:Colby it's fine. You look at him.
Colby:It was only a hug I promise!
You:Alright then. You get up.
Colby:Baby where are you going? He frowns.
You:J-Just going t-to get something to e-eat. You lie.
You go downstairs and go to Jakes room seeing Tara, you lay next to her crying telling her you might end things with Colby.
Tara:Well, when are you gonna do it?
You:I-I can't! I'm s-scared. You choke out sobbing.
Tara:Here, I'll have him come to you.
You:Thank you T-Tara.
After a second Colby comes in confused as Tara walks out leaving him with you.
Colby:What baby? He sits down next to you.
You:Colby I-
Colby:If it's about Katie I'm sorry. He tears up.
You:Come here. You motion him towards you.
Colby:I'm s-sorry! He sobs putting his head in your neck.
You:It's okay baby. Let's go upstairs.
Colby:O-Okay. He wipes his eyes.
You guys go upstairs and Colby continues cry into your neck.
You:Hey, look at me baby.
You cut Colby off by softly placing your lips on his, having a passionate kiss when someone comes in.
Tara:Oh my god I'm so sorry!
You:It's okay.
Tara:Anyway,Me and Jake are going to get some food, you guys coming?
You:No sorry Tara.
Tara:Okay see you later!
After Tara leaves Colby puts his head in your neck,placing soft kisses.
You:Promise you won't hang out with Katie at all.
Colby:I promise baby. He moves his head and looks at you.
I'm gonna start writing a Solby story so this next part will take some time!

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