The trip.

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A little smut!!!    Colby:What?
You:Just wait till we are home Cole.
Colby:But I can't!
You:Cole Robert Brock.
Sam:Ooo she said your full name!
Colby:Fuck off dude!
Kat:hey Tara and Jake are coming!
*Jake and Tara come over*
Jake:I'm sorry guys I got in my head again.
*Jake hugs you*
Tara:Sorry and?
Jake:I'm sorry for yelling at you sis.
You:Aww Jake it's ok *you hug him*
Tara:Hey I want a hug to!
    *Tara hugs you and she smacks your ass*
You:Never mind!
Sam:We should go on a trip to get our mind off things!
Jake:That would be so nice brother.
Kat:Let's do it!
          *Everybody goes home and packs clothes for 3 days*
Colby:We leave tomorrow morning guys!
You:Who's car are we taking?
Sam:We are renting a van!
Jake:But who's driving?
Sam:I'll drive!
Kat:I call Front seat!
           *Everybody goes to there rooms and go to bed*
  *Sam knocks on everyone's door saying wake up*
          *Everyone grabs there things and leave*   Sam and Kat up front Jake and Tara in the middle you and Colby in the back.
You:I'm tired Cole.
Colby:come here I'll cuddle you.
Sam:Don't get to frisky back there!
You:Shut up Samuel!
      *You fall asleep as Colby is awake*
   *You wake up to Colby's arms holding you tight as he talks to Jake*
You:I'm awake ba-Cole. You say tiredly.
Colby:Morning princess.
                    *You kiss him*
Tara: I need to spill some tea! Switch spots with me for a sec Colby!
Tara whispers to you:I saw Colby playing with your hair as his hand squeezed your ass.
  *You guys giggle then Colby and Tara switch back*
          Colby lays behind you as you talk to Tara in front of you. You go to scoot up and accidentally brush against his dick.
Colby:Sam go to a gas station or something please princess needs the bathroom!
You: No I do- *Colby quickly covers your mouth*
Colby: Yes she does!
Tara: This time Colby you will sit by Jake so I can talk to Jaden!
           *Sam stops at a gas station as you get out Colby quickly grabs your hand and runs to the bathroom*
You: Colby are yo-   *Colby cuts you off by kissing you*
You:Oh your horny?
Colby:Yes I need your help though.
You:Get in a stall.
        *you and Colby go in a stall and lock it then he sits on the toilet lid and you both pull down your pants*

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