Hold on.

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Sam:She probably did it on purpose!
Colby:You think so?
Jake:Well you were gone for a week
Sam:She misses you!
Colby:Guys go downstairs .
Jake:Ok Damn
Sam:Just tell us what happened later.
Colby:ok ok go!
*Colby comes in and sits next to you*
You:Are you ok Cole?
Colby:Yea..can we just change the movie?
You:How about..A Dogs Purpose?
*You turn on A dogs purpose*
You:Awww.! You say as you sob.
Colby:It's ok it's just a movie.
You:But he died!
Colby:It's just a movie!
*You cuddle into his arm and quickly fall asleep*
Colby:Come here he whispers spooning you.
You:huh you mumble.
*Sam and Jake come up and stand by the door listening*
Jake:Sounds like there watching a movie he whispers.
Sam:I'm surprised their not talking! He whispers back.
Colby:love you.
You:love you too you say tiredly.
Sam:Jaden sounds sleepy he whispers.
Jake:Well she could be sleepy or..he trails off.
Sam:Get your head out of there Jake!
Colby:What was that?
Jake:Fuck go go!
You:I don't know.
Colby:Go to sleep if your tired.
You:I'm trying but you keep talking!
Colby:Sorry sorry!
*You slowly fall asleep as Colby cuddles you*
            ~Time skip to morning~
Colby:Wake up princess
You:I don't wanna you say trying to pull the blanket up more.
Colby:No get up!
You:Ok I'm coming Damn!
Colby:Sorry but we have stuff to do today!
Colby:She's up now guys he says walking downstairs.
Jake:Good morning
You:Morning you yawn.
Colby:Come sit down.
You:Chill the fuck out dude!
Colby:Ok sorry!
Sam:Uh I'm going to play video games come on Jake.
Jake:Coming he says racing Sam upstairs.
Colby:The fuck is your problem?
You:Nothing! You yell.
Colby:Sorry grumpy ass.
You:Fuck off dude.
Colby:Alright Damn.
You:I'm going to my fucking room you say stomping upstairs.
Colby:I'll be here!
You:Shut up! You scream as you slam your door.
               *Tara goes downstairs*
Tara:The fuck happened!?
Colby:I don't know she's just having an attitude today.
Tara:Not my problem she shrugs.
*A couple hours go by and your still in your room*
Kat:Are you gonna check on her? she's been up there for hours!
Colby:No. she's having an attitude she can deal with it herself.
Jake:I'll do it myself dumbass he says going upstairs.

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