I love you.

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Colby:I love you.
You:Love you too. You say nuzzling into his chest.
        You guys sit there in silence as you lay on him.
       *Downstairs with everyone else*
Sam:They are talking right now.
Jake:That's good.
Tara:I hope there okay.
Sam:A lots been happening lately.
Devyn:Well tell us what's going on!
Jake:They've been fighting.
Tara:We don't know what started it.
Corey:Damn I hope there okay.
Kat:Well someone needs to check on them.
Sam:Ill go upstairs.
*Sam knocks on the door waiting for a response*
Sam:Are you guys okay in there?
Colby:We're fine.
You:Please go.
Sam:Okay I'll be downstairs.
*Sam goes back downstairs*
Sam:There not fighting anymore.
Tara:That's good.
Jake:I'm glad they aren't fighting.
Kat:I've never seen her so upset.
Devyn:We're gonna go. right Corey?
Corey:What why?!
Devyn:Cause there dealing with some things so let's go.
Jake:Bye guys.
Sam:See ya guys.
Tara:See you soon.
*They leave and the house becomes silent*
~Upstairs with you and Colby~
Colby:You wanna go get something to eat?
You:That would be okay.
Colby:what do you want? he says.
You:I'll just come with you!
Colby:Okay then let's go!
You:I'll race ya!
Colby:Your so on! He says running to the door.
You:I'll beat you!
Colby:No I will! He says chasing you down the stairs.
Sam:What are you guys doing?
You:Racing to the kitchen!
Sam:Alright then?
Colby:Ha! I won!
You:Fuck you!
Colby:So what do you want to eat? He says out of breath.
You:I don't know you say breathing heavy.
Colby:I can make you grilled cheese,Spaghetti,what do you want?
You:Ooo grilled cheese!
Colby:Alright,Can you pass me the butter?
You:Yea! You say getting in the fridge to grab the butter.
You:Your hairs a mess! You say sitting on the counter.
Colby:I know he says running his fingers in his hair.
You:I'll fix it later.
Colby:After you eat you can fix it.
You:Ok babe.
Colby:Here he says.
You:Thanks you say taking a bite.
Colby:I'm gonna go sit on the couch, you coming?
You:I'm coming you say jumping off the counter.
                 ~In the living room~
Colby:Come here baby.

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