The night of the party.

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         SMUT!!       The party starts and more people arrive, everyone is inside
drinking and playing beer pong.
You:Colby you wanna play beer pong?
Colby:you sure? I'm the master at beer pong.
You:We'll see about that!
                *Colby wins*
You:Fuck, you were right!
Colby:I told you princess.
You:what did I tell you about that!
Colby:shit sorry!
Jake:Hey guys wanna play truth or dare?
Colby:who is playing?
Jake:Me,Jaden,Tara,Kat,Devyn,Corey,  sam,and you.
Colby:I'll play
You:I'll play too I love truth or dare
Jake:Ok guys there playing!
Tara:Yay Jaden!
Kat:Yes another girl!
Devyn:Yay more people!
Jake:let's start! Kat truth or dare!
Jake: Do you really love Sam?
Kat:truth or dare Jaden!
You:Dare I ain't a scardy cat!
Kat:I dare you to take 3 shots!
You:damn Kat you really want me drunk!
            *You take the 3 shots*
You:now for those to sit.
You:So truth or dare Colby?
You:I dare you too.. hug someone you find pretty!
           *He hugs you*
You:Damn ok
Colby:Truth or dare Tara!
Colby:do you like Jaden? (As a friend)
Tara:Yes she is the best!
                *tara asks someone *
                 *You look at Colby*
         *You lean up and kiss him*
Colby:Jaden what are you doing you know Jake will get mad at me! He whispers.
You:I'll just say it's my fault. You whisper back.
          *You drag Colby to your room*
          *you make Colby pick you up*
He starts kissing your neck and you let out little moans as he leaves marks,You put your hands on his face and kiss him on the lips.
Colby:Are you sure we should do this Jaden?
You:Yes now kiss me!
        Colby kisses your neck as he pulls up your dress. He makes out with you as he plays with the brim of your panties.
You:Cole don't tease me!
Colby:Ok Ok I won't!
     You play with his belt as he takes your panties off. You get his belt undone and pull down his jeans and you see he has a boner.
You:I'll help you with that
Colby:You told me not to tease you so don't tease me!
You:Alright fine!
       You pull down his boxers as he hovers over you he slowly puts his tip and starts slowly thrusting back and forth.

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