Well mother fuck!

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You:Stop. Not right now baby. You say kissing him.
Colby:Why? He whines.
You:Cause I said so.
Colby:So? He says pulling you closer to him.
You:So? I said not right now.
Colby:B-But baby! He stutters.
You:Not right now. So get your ass downstairs.
Colby:Fine. He says looking in your eyes.
You:Go! You say putting some leggings on.
                You guys go downstairs.
Kat:So how do they look?
You:They are so cu-
Colby:There sexy. He says cutting you off.
You:What about yours?
Kat:I think there so cute!
Sam:Wish you would've let me see them! He says pouting.
Kat:You wish! She says sticking her tongue out.
You:I'm hungry you say walking to the kitchen.
Colby:Me too. He says walking behind you.
You:What do you want to eat? You say looking back at him.
Colby:U-Uhm.. he says looking at your ass then back at your eyes.
You:Earth to Colby! Hello? You say waving your hands around.
You:Well then your not hungry! You say looking in the cabinets.
Colby:I can m-make you a bowel of ramen n-noodles?
You:Oh thank you!
Colby:Okay.. 2:00 minutes!
You:Can you put three? You say sitting on the counter.
You: I can't wait to eat.
Colby:So baby.. he says standing in between your legs.
You:What do you want now?
Colby:Can we please? He says kissing your neck.
You:N-Not right now b-baby. You moan out as he hits your sweet spot.
Colby:Find your sweet spot? He whispers into your ear.
You:N-No. you lie.
Colby:Your lying. He says looking in your eyes.
You:M-Maybe. You say kissing him.
Colby:F-Fuck. He whispers as you guys make out.
Sam:Can you guys do that upstairs and not in the kitchen? He says walking in.
You:We're just kissing it's not like he's fucking me!
Sam:Okay calm down!
Colby:Let's go baby. He says grabbing your food.
You:Thank you babe! You say eating the noodles and walking to the couch.
Jake:You guys are that desperate you make out in the kitchen? Gross.
Colby:Quit being a baby Jake.
You:Almost done. You say eating more noodles.
Colby:Don't eat them to fast baby you could get sick.
You:Too late! You say finishing the noodles.
Sam:There's nothing to eat! He says walking in to the living room.
You:Hey while your standing there take my bowel! You say handing it to him.
You:Let's go! You say grabbing Colbys hand.
Colby:What are we doing?
You:Just come on! You say running to his room.
Colby:Change your mind?
Colby:Come here he says closing the door behind you.
You:What? You say leaning in.
Colby:Nothing. He says kissing you.
You:Lay down. You say as you guys make out.
Colby:okay. He says laying down.
You:Stupid belt. You whisper trying to undo his belt.
Colby:Here. He says undoing his belt.
You:Thanks. You whisper getting on his lap.
Colby:oh fuck. He moans as you grind on him.
You:O-Oh~ you moan.
Colby:Baby..I-I need you. He whispers.
You:Here. You say pulling his boxers down.
Colby:S-Shit. He says admiring your chest as you take off your shirt.
You:Like what ya see?
Colby:Perfect. He says pulling you on to him.
You:Fuck. You gasp as slowly go down.
Colby:Oh fuck!He says putting his hands on your waist.
You:I-I got it. You say trying not to moan loudly.
Colby:S-Sorry. He says putting his hands on the sheet and gripping it.
You gasp as you accidentally slam down.
Colby:Oh f-fuck. He says putting his hands on your ass and squeezing.
You:OH! You moan out putting your hands on his chest.
Colby:I'm getting c-close! He groans.
You:I-Im almost there! You say feeling the familiar knot in your stomach.
Colby:As long as you need baby. He says breathing out.
You:Fuck. You whisper putting your head in his neck.
Colby:as long as you need. He whispers.
You:OH MY FUCK! You scream out releasing.
Colby:Are you okay baby? He says moving your face to look at him.
You:Y-Yea. You say out of breath.
Colby: here. He says helping you off his lap.
You:I'm cold. You say crawling into the blanket.
Colby:Here I'll cuddle you.
You:Toss me my clothes!
Colby:Here he says putting his sweat pants on.
You:Thanks! You say putting your bra, panties, and his shirt on.
Colby:Now let's cuddle. He says crawling into the bed with you.
You:Wait,where did you put my pants? You say looking around.
Colby:You don't need them.
You:But what if- he cuts you off and kisses you.
Colby:I don't care your in the blanket. He says pointing at the blanket.
You:Fine. You say nuzzling into his chest.
Colby:it's late baby let's go to sleep.
You:Okay. You say closing your eyes.
You both fall asleep.
Colby:Baby. He whispers in a tired voice.
You:What? You whisper.
Colby:You wanna get up or sleep in? He whispers tiredly.
You:Why do we have something important? You roll over and look at him.
Colby:No I'm just asking. He says opening his eyes.
You:Well I'm going back to sleep. You say rolling back over.
Colby:Okay. He says wrapping his arms around your waist.
                   Few hours later.
Sam:Guys wake up we're late! He says shaking you and Colby.
Colby:Huh? He says stretching.
Sam:Come on we're late for Devyn's birthday party!
You:Fuck! You say running to the closet.
Sam:Pranked! Haha!
You:Fuck you. You say pushing Sam a little.
Colby:Dude. Really.
Sam:Yep! Now get up it's 1:00 guys
You:Oh I didn't know we slept that late.
Colby:Well let's get up then.
Sam:One thing! Jaden you got pants on? He says looking at your legs.
You:Sam just go!
Colby:We will be down soon brother.
Sam:Okay! He says walking out.
You:I tried to tell you someone would come in!
Colby:So? At least he didn't see your ass!
You:Just get up.
Colby:To be honest I'm not putting a shirt on.
You:Well I don't need pants then!
Colby:let's just go.
You:Okay! You say holding his hand.
Jake:Morning guys! He says waving.
Colby:Hey. He says sitting down.
You:Hey guys! You say sitting on Colby's lap.
Colby:here. He says putting a blanket on your legs.
You:I'm not cold! You whisper.
Colby:I don't anybody to see your ass. He whispers.
You:Ugh fine. You say looking at him.
Colby:Now be a good girl. He whispers.
You:Or what? You giggle quietly.
Colby:You'll see if your bad today. He whispers.
You:Fine. You whisper crossing your arms.
Sam:What are you guys talking about? He says looking over.

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