Made up.

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You:Coming you say running to Colby.
Colby:Sam scoot over brother!
Sam:I can't!
Colby:Just sit on my lap.
You:Okay! You say getting in his lap.
Colby:Love you he whispers in your ear.
You:Love you too you whisper.
Sam:Get your feet off me Jaden!
You:Where else am I supposed to put them!?
Sam:On the floor!
You:But why?!
Sam:I don't want your feet on me!
Colby:It's fine Sam's just a big baby
Sam:Am not!
Jake:Yea okay he laughs.
You:Sorry babe you say repositioning.
Colby:It's alright he says scooting up a little bit.
You:A-Ah you moan a little.
Colby:Are you okay?
You:Yea I just hit something.
Sam:Like what? He smirks.
Colby:Shut up dude.
Jake:You sure?
You:Guys I'm fine!
Colby:Seriously guys.
Sam:Yea Jake!
Jake:You were doing it too brother!
You:Let's go babe. You say getting up.
Colby:Coming he says stretching.
Sam:Have fun you guys!
You:Fuck off dude.
              *You guys go upstairs*
Colby:I don't know what there problem is he says shaking his head.
You:I don't know you say laying down.
Colby:So what do you wanna do?
You:You wanna go get in the hot tub?
Colby:Let's go!
You:I have to change!
Colby:No you don't! He says putting you on his shoulder.
You:Put me down!
Colby:I'm almost there! He says opening the door.
You:I just put this on though!
Colby:To late! He says stepping into the hot tub.
You:My clothes!
Colby:Whatever he says putting you down.
You:Can I just change?
Colby:Fine let's go change.
You:Thank you.
*You guys change and go back out to the hot tub*
Colby:Your glad I let you change.
You:Well thank you.
Colby:Come here says squeezing your knee.
You:What do you want?
Colby:I wanna hug. He says pouting.
You:Fineee you say swimming over.
Colby:Got ya! He says squeezing you.
You:hey! You say trying not to laugh.
Colby:Well I hugged you! He says laughing.
You:That hurt my arms you say pouting.
Colby:Im sorry he says kissing your neck.
You:Let's just go inside.
You:Because I said.
Colby:But the waters nice and warm!
You:I have a surprise you say stepping out.

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