Dont even!

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You:Don't even babe.
Colby:I'm not doing anything!
You:Mk then
Sam:uh..I'm going upstairs to Kat!
Colby:Later brother
You:See ya later Sam!
                *Sam goes upstairs*
Colby:let's go upstairs.
               *You guys go upstairs*
Colby:I'm gonna put a movie on
You:Alright baby. You say getting in the blanket.
Colby:Is this one okay?
You:It's fine. You say sleepy.
Colby:Tired? He says crawling next to you.
You:mhm. You mumble.
Colby:If you need me I'll be right here. He says kissing your forehead.
You:Okay. You say falling asleep.
                     *Morning time*
You:ugh. You say waking up.
Colby:What's wrong? He says in his tired voice.
You:My head hurts.
Colby:Aww I'm sorry baby. He says nuzzling his head into your neck.
You:I'm just gonna lay in bed today. You say cuddling Colby.
Colby:I'll be here with you. He whispers.
You:I'm going back to sleep. You say pulling the blanket over your head.
Colby:Me too. He says wrapping his arms around your waist.
           *You both fall asleep again*
Jake:WAKE UP GUYS! He screams as he barges in.
Colby:Why? He says tiredly.
You:What? You say with a raspy voice.
Jake:We're going to the mall. So get the fuck up!
Colby:Well get out then.
You:Okay. You say looking at Colby.
Jake:Be downstairs in 30 minutes guys! He says closing the door.
Colby:Well let's get up. He says getting out of the bed.
     *You guys get up and get dressed*
You:We are coming! You say as you walk downstairs.
Kat:Let's go now!
*You all get in the car and drive to the mall*
Kat:Jaden let's go to Victoria's Secret!
Colby:let's go look at games guys. He says looking at you.
   *You guys walk to Victoria's Secret*
Kat:Look at these pink ones!
You:Those are so cute!
Kat:I don't know if I want pink or blue..
You:Hey what's Colby's favorite color?
Kat:Purple, why?
You:No reason! You say grabbing a pair of purple panties.  (I HATE THE WORD PANTIES)
Kat:Should I get pink or blue?
You:Why not get both?
Kat:Great idea!
*You guys pay and meet the boys at the food court*
Colby:What'd you get baby? He whispers.
You:You'll see. You whisper and smirk.
Colby:Fine. He says standing behind you and smacking your ass.
You:Don't we are in public.
Colby:I'm not doing anything!
You:You always say that yet your doing something. You say looking at him.
You:So don't say anything if you are doing something!
Colby:Okay gosh. He says putting his hands on your hips.
You:Stop we are in line in front of many people!
Colby:Can't we just have a quickie? He whispers.
You:No! You whisper yell.
Colby:Why! He whispers pushing your ass against his clothed boner.
You:Stop or I'm telling Jake. You say pushing yourself away.
Colby:Don't tell me what to do slut. He whispers grabbing your chin.
You:O-Okay! You say trying to pull away.
???:Hey want can I get you two?
*You guys tell your order*
???:Have a good day!
You:Thank you!
Colby:Let's go sit with the others and eat.
Sam:Over here guys! He says waving you guys over.
You:There they are!
*You guys sit and eat*
Sam:You guys wanna go to the park? He says walking out the doors.
Jake:Hell yeah! He says running to the car.
Colby:Sure. He says smacking your ass.
You:That's fine! You say looking at Colby.
Kat:You guys okay? She says looking behind her at us.
Colby:Perfectly fine!
Sam:Let's go then! He says starting the car.
Jake:Hurry up I wanna slide down the kiddy slides!
Colby:Yea Sam stop being a party pooper!
Kat:Go faster Sam!
You:Come on Sam!
Sam:We're almost there so calm down! He says looking at Jake.
Jake:Sorry I'm excited!
Sam:We are here! He says parking.
You:Let's go! You say opening the door and running out.
Colby:Hold on Ill be there in second I need to make a phone call.
You:Oh okay!
*Everyone gets out as Colby stays in the car*
Colby:So what did she get.. he says finding the Victoria's Secret bags.
Colby:I should wait.
Colby:Hey guys! He says running to the slide looking at Jake.
Sam:Hey brother!
Kat:Hey Colby!
Colby:Where's Jaden? He says looking around.
Kat:She's over there on the swings!
Colby:Thanks Kat!
Colby:Hey baby what are you doing?
You:Waiting for you! You say getting up and walking to him.
Colby:Thanks babe. He says kissing you.
Jake:Get a room lovebirds! He laughs.
You:Shut up! You say flipping him off.
Colby:Come on. Let's get Sam to take us home.
Sam:Yea? He shouts
You:Can we go home?
Sam:Yea it's pretty late. Come on guys!
Kat:Dang it!
*You all get in the car and drive home*
Colby:Finally we are home. He says plopping down on the couch.
You:Yea. You say sitting next to him.
Jake:I'm going upstairs! Love you sis!
You:Love you too bub!
Colby:Let's go and see your new stuff he says biting his lip.
You:Fine. You say grabbing his hand and going up stairs.
Colby:Okay lemme see them. He says closing the door behind us.
You:Let me put them on! You say pulling your skirt down.
Colby:Hurry I wanna see them.
You:Okay! You say putting on the purple panties.
Colby:Damn. He says getting up and walking to you.
You:You like them? You say biting your lip.
Colby:There sexy. He says slapping your ass making you squeak.
Sorry this chapter took longer I've been caught up with school and family things!

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