Oh fuck.

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You:I'm gonna text the group chat.
                 *In the group chat*
Sam:Hey guys!
Kat:Sam your right next to me. 😑
Sam:I don't care I wanna talk to everyone else
Kat:Okay gosh!
You:Hey guys!
Jake:What's up?
                  *Colby sent a image*

 😑Sam:I don't care I wanna talk to everyone elseKat:Okay gosh!You:Hey guys!Colby:hey Jake:What's up?Tara:Hey!                   *Colby sent a image*

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You:Damn that V-Line though. 🤭
Sam:I'm gonna go 😵‍💫
Kat:Bye guys
Tara:Bye girlies!
          *You turn off your phone*
You:Fuck. You say thinking of Colby and getting wet.
You put your hands in your panties and slowly start to please yourself.
You gasp as you slip a finger in.
You:OH FUCK! You moan out loudly.
Colby:Are you okay baby? He says knocking on the door.
You:Y-Yes babe!
Colby:I'll be in my room then text me if you need me.
Colby walks away and you continue to play with yourself.
You:Fuck. You say pulling your hand out of your panties and getting up.
You:I need to wash my hands.
*You go to the bathroom and wash your hands*
You go downstairs and sit down you turn on a movie.
Jake:Hey sis!
You:Hey bub! You say seeing him sit down.
Jake:Did you piss your pants or something? He says pointing to your pants.
You:What do you mean? You say looking at your pants.
Jake:Did you though?
You:No! You say getting up.
Jake:I hope not.
     *You run upstairs to Colby's room*
You:Babe can I borrow a pair of your sweats?
You:Uhm..I s-spilled my d-drink! You stutter out.
Colby:Your lying. He says looking in your eyes.
You:I-I'm not lying!
You:Fuck. You mumble to yourself.
Colby:Told you. Why do really need pants?
You:I-I told you I s-spilled some on my p-pants!
Colby:What'd you drink?
You:I drank a c-coke.
Colby:Well take a shower your legs are probably sticky.
Colby:I'll bring you some panties and my sweats.
You:T-Thank you baby.
Colby:Now go! He says walking to the door.
You:Join me!
Colby:Okay! Just let me get your panties.he says going into your room.
You:Yay! You say running to the bathroom .
       You get undress and into the shower as you hear the door open and shut.
Colby:Got them!
You:Come get in!
Colby:Hold on! He says taking his pants off.
You:There you are. you say seeing  him shut the shower door behind him.
Colby:Hey baby,Why are your panties in the trash?
You:N-No reason. You stutter put looking at him.
Colby:Baby you can tell me I'm not gonna hurt you.
You:I was doing something?
Colby:What was it you were doing?
You:Please don't get mad!
Colby:Baby I'm not gonna be mad. He says putting his hands on your waist.
You:I was..touching myself. You whisper the last part looking in his eyes.
Colby:Baby you could've told me I wouldn't be mad. He says kissing you.
You:I'm glad your not mad.
Colby:Don't know why I would baby but you get a punishment.
You:Let's get out and talk more in your room.
Colby:Let's go baby. He says opening the door.
*You guys get dressed you sit on the counter waiting for Colby to fix his hair*
Colby:You know what. I'll fix it later.
You:Finally babe!
Colby:I love you. He whispers then kisses you.
You:Your bedroom now.
Colby:Let's go then he says picking you up holding you by your thighs.
You:Walk faster! You say impatiently.
Colby:I'm going he says opening his bedroom door.
Colby:Now..it's time for your punishment. He smirks.
You:W-What is it? You stutter out.
Colby:I can't tell you.
You:Fine. You say tugging at his pants.
Colby:patience baby.
You:Hurry up I want you! You say pouting.
Colby:Get these off. Now. He says pointing at your pants.
You:Yes baby. You say quickly pulling down your pants.
Colby:keep going. He says looking at the rest of your clothes.
You:Just fuck me already! You say getting angry.
Colby:I'll make your punishment worse. He whispers in your ear.
You:O-Okay. You whisper.
Colby:Lay down now.
You quickly lay down on the bed waiting for him to fuck you.
Colby:Be quiet baby. Okay?
You:Y-Yes. You squeak.
Colby:So wet. He whispers as he slowly enters you.
You:F-Fuck. You quietly moan.
Colby:What did I say. He says before slamming into you.
You:FUCK. You moan out.
Colby:Quiet baby everyone's home.

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