The deal.

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        SMUT!!    Colby slowly thrusts into you as you let out little moans, you whisper: G-Go faster! Colby nods and goes faster as the sound of skin fills the room. You moan louder and moan o-oh Cole as you grab your sheets and arch your back as he goes faster Colby groans:I'm getting c-close! You moan: M-Me to C-Cole! As you grip the sheets tighter. Colby stops,you:W-Why did you stop? As you lean up.
     Colby:to do this. He puts you on his lap and bounces you up and down quickly.
Sam:you guys hear that?
Jake: No?
          *Sam turns down the music*
Sam:That! What is it?
Jake:It sounds like someone saying.. Cole.       *Everyone walks upstairs and stands by each door and they finally get to yours*
You:Oh Cole! You moan.
Corey:wait where is Jaden?
Sam:I think that's her, brother.
Jake:I'm gonna kill Colby!
Tara:Calm down babe she's 23 she's not a baby anymore.
Jake: Your right Tara.
         *Everybody goes back downstairs*
Colby:oh f-fuck! Colby grunts.
You:C-Cole you moan.
       You guys reach your high and release.
   You breath heavy as Colby pants.
Colby:Your so good.
You:I know Cole. *you smirk*
Colby:can we make a deal?
You:what kind?
Colby:we can fuck anytime just don't catch feelings.
You:sounds good.
         *you guys put your clothes back on and head downstairs back to the party*
Sam:you guys have fun Cole?
Colby:Fuck you sam!
Sam:Sorry damn
Jake:Sis if he hurts you tell me.
You:I will Jake.
Colby:I told you they would find out some how!
You: Oh shut up!
      *Colby knocks on your door*
Colby:can I come in?
        *Colby shuts the door behind him*
You:come lay with me
Colby:I'm coming!
You:can we kiss?
Colby:yea come here.
        You guys start making out and Colby gets under the blanket and pulls up your shirt and kisses from under your bra to the brim of your pants. He slowly pulls down your pants and kisses your inner thighs and then slowly pulls down your panties and kisses up to your clit and starts giving you head then Sam barges in.
Sam:AHH *he quickly runs downstairs*
Colby:well fuck!
       *you quickly run to the door and shut it while quickly putting your panties and shorts back on*
Colby:what are you doing?
You: I have to go apologize to Sam he just saw you giving me head!
Colby:Ugh fine!
*You and Colby run downstairs*
You:Sam! Are you ok?!
Sam: Well I just saw my best friend giving head to Jakes little sister!
      *Jake hears from kitchen*
Jake:Hope it was a good sight as He snickers.
You: Shut up Jake!

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