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           *you guys get downstairs*
Colby:Yo Sam I need to talk to you!
Colby:Come here!
Sam:Seriously what's going on?
Colby:I think I have feelings for Jaden.
Sam:Brother! Talk to Jake not me!
         ~your upstairs with Devyn in your room~
Devyn: we should do a date! Me and Corey,Sam and Kat,Jake and Tara,You and Colby!
You:Sure I'll text Sam and Kat then see what Colby is up to!
Devyn:I'll text Corey,Jake and Tara!
             *You text Sam and Kat*
You:Hey you guys wanna go on a date with Devyn,Corey,Jake,Tara,Me, and Cole?
Sam & Kat:Yea let's do it!
                   *you text Colby*
You:hey Cole! *you say who's going*
Colby:Yea that's fine
You:Devyn they said yes!
Devyn:They did as well!
*Devyn leaves and you get dressed into this*

Sam:Brother! Talk to Jake not me!         ~your upstairs with Devyn in your room~Devyn: we should do a date! Me and Corey,Sam and Kat,Jake and Tara,You and Colby!You:Sure I'll text Sam and Kat then see what Colby is up to!Devyn:I'll text Corey,Jak...

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You:I look so cute!
    *Everyone drives to the restaurant*
You:Hey everyone!
               *Everybody says hey*
    *you sit in between Colby and Jake*
    *Everyone is talking to each other*
    *Colby puts his hand on your thigh*
You:Cole we are in public!
Colby:I'm not trying to do anything!
You:Ok sure as you roll your eyes.
You:anyways I'm gonna go freshen up girls you coming?
                      *all say yes*
Corey:So now that the girls are gone, Colby are you and Jaden like a thing?
Colby:I'm thinking about it.She's so pretty.
Sam:Ooo someone has a crush!
Colby:Shut up Samuel!
Jake:Guys you are like little kids!
Colby:Like I said Corey, I don't know.
               *In the bathroom*
Kat:I think Colby likes you Jaden.
Tara:Yea he was talking about you yesterday!
Devyn:He talks about you a lot!
Kat:Do you like him?
You:Well.. maybe..
Tara:Just say it!
                *Back at the table*
Waiter:Are you ready to order?
Jake:Not yet we will soon!
Sam:The girls are coming!
Colby: Let's order guys
Devyn:I'm so hungry
Corey:Well we have to wait for the waiter!
                  *Everyone orders*
              *Colby rubs your back*
You:You want something from me Cole?
Colby:No it's just..never mind.
You:Well we can talk at the house.
   *The food comes and everyone eats*
            *Everyone drives home*
         *You and Colby go to his room*
You:What did you wanna talk about Cole?

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