Wrong person?

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*You arrive at the party*
Colby:Ill introduce you to everyone!
???:Hey Guys!
Colby:This is Amber,Amber this is Jaden!
Amber:Your kinda cute!
Colby:Next to her is shea!
Shea:Your dress is hot!
You:Thanks shea!
*Colby introduces you to every one*
You: Ya'll are so nice!
Aryia:Hey the party is starting! (Sorry if it's spelled wrong!)
Kevin:Come on let's start drinking!
You: Shea! Amber! y'all want a white claw?
Shea:Hell yeah!
Colby:Can you get me one?
You:Is your name Shea or Amber?
Colby:Fine I'll get it myself!
                  ~TIME PASSES BY~
              Everyone is more tipsy.
Jake:Let's play spin the bottle!
Jake:Jaden your first!
            *You spin and land on Sam*
            * you kiss him* *He spins and gets Jake*
Sam:Hell nah *gives it to you*
           *You spin again and get Shea*
Shea:Fuck! *She blushes*
           *You kiss*
Shea:Your a good kisser.
You:I know! Smirks at Colby*
     *You and Shea leave to get a drink*
Shea:Your pretty Jaden.
You:Thank you Shea your pretty too.
       *Shea looks at you and grabs your hand and you both run off*
    *Colby looks over to see you both running*
Colby:What's upstairs?
Kevin:Shea's room.
               *In shea's room*
Shea:Your so pretty.
You:Thank you.
Shea:You got a boyfriend cause I would snatch you up if I could.
You:Yea sorry girl!
             *Colby sneaks upstairs*
                  *Shea kisses you*
You:Shea I have a boyfriend!
Shea:Sorry I didn't mean to.
                  *Colby scares us*
Colby:What are y'all doing up here?
You:Just talking.
Colby:Come back downstairs the game is less fun! We are playing Truth or Dare!
You:Oh fuck I'm playing come on Shea!
Shea:Ok I'm coming!
Sam:Truth or dare Jaden!
Sam:Kiss someone on your left or right !
You:Fuck Shea or Cole?
              *You kiss Cole*
You:Truth or dare Shea!
You:Kiss someone you find pretty!
                *Shea kisses you*
Jake:Can Kat drive us to the hotel I'm tired as fuck.
Kat:Yes plus I didn't drink.
Shea:Can I come?
You:Hell yeah!
           *We all go back to the hotel*
            *you get to your room*
Colby:You girls sleep in the bed I'll sleep on the floor.
You:Ok Cole!
Colby: yea!
Non of this is real it's for the story!

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