Another party!

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SMUT!! You sit on Colby's lap as his dick slowly enters you, You let a little moan.
Colby places his hands on your hips as he helps you bounce up and down trying to be quiet just in case Tara Kat or someone comes in.
Colby:oh my god.
You put your hand in Colby's hair with the other one on his shoulder. Slowly getting louder.
You:Fuck Cole! You say a little to loud.
~In the car~
Tara:Im gonna go check on Jaden!
Sam:I'll check on Colby!
*Tara walks in*
Tara:Jaden are you ok?
You: Y-Yea I'm almost done! You breath heavily.
Sam:Colby you in here?
*No answer*
Sam:Tara he's not in here.
Tara:Check inside!
*Colby moves you faster as you raise your head in pleasure*
You:C-Cole hurry we have to g-go!
Colby:Im almost done baby he groans.
*You both reach your high and release*
*You both breath heavy as you both pull up your pants*
You:That was fucking amazing you say as you both leave the bathroom.
Tara:Colby there you are!
~Sam drives as you and Tara talk~
Tara whispers:What was Colby doing in there with you? She looks at Colby's hair.
You whisper back:We did something..
~Tara realizes~
Tara:Jaden no you didn't!
You: I did!
Sam:We are here at the hotel!
*Everyone gets out and goes to there rooms*
Colby:I'm gonna lay down princess.
You:I'm gonna put my pjs on!
Colby: ok!
*You put on this*

You:I'm gonna put my pjs on!Colby: ok!                      *You put on this*

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Colby:Those new princess?
You:Just got 'em you smile.
Colby:Come here let's cuddle.
*you run to Colby to cuddle*
*Kat comes in*
Kat:awww. (You were asleep like this)

   (You were asleep like this)

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Kat:I'll leave them to sleep.
*Colby wakes up and nudges you*
Colby:hey princess we slept in.
You:five more minutes.
*Five minutes go by*
Colby:It been five minutes.
You:Ugh fineee
You:What are we doing today?
Colby:I'm pretty sure a party
Colby:I'm not gonna drink so I can watch you.
You:Aww bummer!Anyways,Get ready!
Colby wears this*

You:Aww bummer!Anyways,Get ready! Colby wears this*

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You:Damn Cole. (You wear this)

  (You wear this)

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You:Cole no!
*Sam comes in*
Sam:Hey we are leaving for the party early to help set up !
Colby:I'll drive!
You:I call front!
*everyone is in the car*
Sam: *Tells address*
Colby:Thanks brother !

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