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You:S-Sorry . You whimper.
Colby:Fuck. He says slamming into you.
You:Shit. You say trying to hold back your moans.
Colby:Quiet baby.
You:FUCK FUCK FUCK! you scream out as he slams into your g-spot.
Colby:What did I say? He says slapping your ass.
You: I'm s-sorry.
Colby:Here's your punishment he says pulling out.
You:You know I hate that! you pout.
Colby:It's your punishment for not listening. He says pulling up his pants.
Colby:No buts. Now put your clothes on.
You:Fine. You say angrily.
*You get dressed and kiss Colby*
Colby:Now go downstairs. Slut. He whispers the last word.
You: I'm g-going! Daddy. You whisper the last part.
             *You both go downstairs*
Colby:What's up guys!
Jake:Hey,did you get hurt by the way?
Sam:Yea we heard you scream fuck like three times
You:Uhm..I-I stepped on s-something
Jake:Your lying.
You:I'm n-not lying!
Colby:You want us to tell the truth or something?
Jake:That would be preferred.
Colby:We fucked got a problem with that?
Jake:Can't you do it when I'm not home?!
You:Your here like all the time!
Colby:Just drop it, it's not a big deal.
               *You both sit down*
You:Can we cuddle? You say crawling into his lap.
Colby:Of course baby.
You:love you. You whisper falling asleep.
Colby:Love you too.
                 ~Time skip to 5pm~
Colby:Baby wake up. He says kissing your forehead.
You:why you whine.
Colby:So I can get you upstairs
You:I don't wanna go upstairs! You pout.
Colby:Well,can you get up for minute?
You:Okay. You say rubbing your eyes.
Sam:Morning sleepyhead
You:Really Sam?
Sam:Really. He laughs.
You:Baby! You say sitting down.
Colby:What! He yells from the kitchen.
You:What are you doing I'm cold!
Colby:I'm making food just go upstairs and grab one my sweaters!
*You run upstairs and grab a sweater*
You:I'm warm I'm gonna put some shorts on.
     You put the sweater on and the shorts and go downstairs.
Colby:Hey good pick.
Sam:You have pants on right?
You:Yes Sam I have shorts on! You say pulling up the sweater a little.
Sam:Okay good.
Colby:Dude she wouldn't just walk around the house without pants.
You:Unless I'm like home alone or something
Sam:Okay okay!
You: I'm gonna go upstairs and watch my show
Colby:Okay text me if you need me
~Time skip to later at night~
Colby has sent a snap.
You:What does he want? You say opening it.

Colby:Baby come down here! Jaden:I'm coming!        You run downstairs to Colby

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Colby:Baby come down here!
Jaden:I'm coming!
You run downstairs to Colby.
Colby:Baby! He says patting his lap.
You:Saved a seat for me? You say walking over.
Sam:Y'all always flirting or something cause it seems like it.
Colby:Of course. He says looking at you and smirking.

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