The date.

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             *Colby looks in your eyes*
Colby:Jaden..I love you..
You:Cole the deal!
Colby:I know but your just so..
You:Thank you Cole.
Colby:I wanna ask you something.
You:what's up?
Colby:Jaden Webber will you go out with me?
You:Cole I.. *You kiss him*
Colby:I take that a yes?
You:Yes. But I don't wanna tell anybody yet.
Colby:Alright princess.
Colby:I'm gonna go get a drink
You:Alright I'm gonna go clean my room feel free to come in.
Colby:Alright princess.
               *you go to your room*
You:Such a mess.
              *you make your bed*
You:One thing done !
   *Colby comes in and sits on the bed*
You:I just made that!
Colby:Just fix it later!
You:ugh fine.
     *you bend over to grab a dirty shirt*
Colby:Uh I'm going to my room!
You: Um ok ?
Your mind: That was weird.
You:I'll take a break I'm thirsty .
                *you go downstairs*
You:Hey guys!
You:nothing much!
You:Hey Colby was in my room then just ran out you know if he is ok?
Sam:Just check his room
You:Will you do it please!
You:Tell me if he is ok but I'm gonna continue cleaning my room.
            *You and sam go upstairs*
    *you go to your room and sam knocks on Colby's door*
Sam:Brother you ok?
Colby:Fuck hold on!
                *Colby quickly fixes his pants and puts a shirt on and opens the door*
Colby:What's up brother? He says nervously.
Sam:You ok? Jaden said you just ran out of her room.
Colby:Come here I'll tell you.
    *Sam comes in and Colby quickly shuts the door*
Sam:So what is it?
Colby:She bent over and I got a boner.
Sam:Damn I understand what do you want me to tell her then?
Colby:uhh..tell her..fuck I can't think.
Sam:I'll just tell her you spilled your drink on your clothes .
Colby:Thanks brother
           *Sam walks into your room*
You:Is he ok??
Sam:Yea he just spilled his drink on his clothes.
Sam:Ok I'm going back downstairs
You:Alright Sam I'll be cleaning!
                      ~TIME SKIP~
Colby:Hey get ready we are going too the beach with Sam, Kat,Jake and Tara. Corey and Devyn can't make it.
You:Aww ok
        *You get your bathing suit on it looks like this*

You:Aww ok         *You get your bathing suit on it looks like this*

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You:Cole stop!

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