Arcadia Discord Server Now Live

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I always thought it was weird that phones and electronics were so discouraged in the castle. The internet? Abysmal. Phones banned in class? Who do these teachers think they are!

That's why I'm sharing this link, unbeknownst to Cadere, for fellow students to have a "safe" place to keep in touch. After all, it's hard to have a social life when all you do after class is patrol us... but not anymore.

Not that you need any convincing, (what with me there, naturally), but everyone on it has access to Arcadia Post. I might have tweaked the system to allow electronic mail to be sent to places other than the day dorm, but if you want, you can mail any one of us. But why you'd want to mail anyone besides myself is beyond me.

Looking forward to connecting with everyone, especially you...

~ Avery

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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