II- Chapter 48: What Friends Are For

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The next morning was cold, Halloween steadily approaching but winter eager to move in. After declining Bel's offers of breakfast ('I won't burn the eggs this time!') you headed to the dining hall, where Eleanor met you in your usual spot. You sat down with your trays of absently taken porridge and were a bit surprised to finally see a familiar flash of red hair.

Theodore was eerily quiet, although you thought if he were being tortured this whole time you would know. When asked about his whereabouts, he told you with a rather intense look that he was at his home in the woods.

No matter the questions you asked, it was soon obvious in Theodore's pleading eyes that he wanted you to stop. So instead, you told him about your night in the night dorm. Eleanor was not thrilled, and neither was Theodore. How funny was it that before everything had started falling apart, spending a night in that mysterious dorm would have been fun- cause for rebellious celebration. The boys didn't have time to chastise you, however.

"She must know something," Eleanor said hopefully when you brought up Julianne. "Arcadia not being safe... what if she knows which night student has your you know what?"

"I don't know who to trust anymore," Theo sighed. Then he looked at both of you. "And I don't think Maurice is thinking straight."

Puzzled, you asked what he meant.

"This is not the place to talk about it," he said, as chattering pairs of day students sat together at the next table over. "Just... try and find what we're looking for, but... I don't expect either of you to put yourselves in danger for my sake."

"But you're already in danger!" Eleanor said hotly.

Theo stood up. He was wearing the same uniform he had been every day, his head boy badge shiny in the daylight. And yet- he seemed so much older.

"I appreciate what the two of you are doing for me, I really do," he said wearily. "But there is only so much two humans can do. I will be fine. I always am."


"Let Maurice know what you find. Keep your spirits up."

"When will we see you next?" You asked.

But he was already walking away.

After a particularly gruelling afternoon of classes and a test you'd entirely forgotten about, you set off to the infirmary with Eleanor, much like when you went to visit Sophia. You'd hoped Theodore would surprise you by being there but dishearteningly he wasn't.

It hadn't changed since your last visit. A short woman you assumed to be a nurse seemed to know who you there to see without you saying. You half wondered if she were a vampire too- but then realized why it would probably be impossible for a vampire to work in a medical setting.

"Same hall as last time," Eleanor said to no one.

Through the sliver of the open door you saw Simone's shock of black hair amidst the otherwise entirely white room. Although not entirely white- upon entering you were greeted with a beautiful bouquet of pink and purple flowers. Carnations, mostly. The others you didn't pretend to recognize, but the handwriting on the card you did.

"That was nice of Theodore," you said softly.

Simone stirred under the hospital sheets, her blue eyes half visible under a pair of dark lashes. You wondered how long she had been asleep for. Then you noticed the IV in her arm and felt sick.

"Simone?" Eleanor whispered. You hit him lightly.

"Don't wake her-" you shushed. But it was too late. As if a magic word had been spoken, Simone slowly opened her eyes, half-yawned, and tried to sit up in bed.

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