Chapter 24: Ever the Trickster

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I wouldn't worry so much if I were you. Remember what I said over the summer? You'll be fine. Besides, if you really miss me, I'll see you over the break.

And this y/n... is she cute?

Tensions ran high in the night class dormitory. All but one student partook in the discussion. But for the first time, they were making an attempt to stay on the same page.

"I thought we were all smarter than that," Dimitri said. "But maybe I gave Avery too much credit."

"It's not like this is the first time he's done something like this." Said Roman. He glanced at Lucian who stood by the stairs. But if the frosty-haired boy had anything to add- he didn't.

"I don't think it'll be the last time either." Bel said. The usually confident blonde had a weary look in his green eyes.

"Guys," whispered Luci. He pointed upwards.

"Let him hear us." Dimitri said without emotion. "He won't learn from his actions otherwise."

Roman made his way past Lucian and began his ascent up the dark oak steps.

"I don't think he'll learn either way." He muttered.

The rest of the night students spoke in hushed voices, making use of Cadere's absence. Except for Roman, who reached the top floor with few long strides.

Unfortunately, talk of Avery's actions only reminded him of the events of that night, and the events of that night only reminded him of y/n.

The upper floor was relatively quiet, but even at this hour, poorly lit. Roman's room was around the corner, second last. He didn't bother checking to see what Avery was doing in his room. Dimitri had already given him hell.

But after entering his room, Roman noticed that someone had been inside. And from his guess- Avery was in line for a lot more than a stern talking to.

"Oh no." Said Lucian from below.

The others looked at him in confusion. But before Dimitri or Belmont got the chance to ask what was wrong, Lucian had already fled up the stairs, gripping the railing.

A single crash followed by dull thuds meant the bookcase was now on the floor.

"Where is it?" Roman growled.

The others followed upstairs. Dimitri was calm and unmoving, but Belmont watched with wide eyes. Roman was radiating heat.

The blonde slid comically out of Roman's way as he marched into the hallway, each step unadulterated rage waiting to be unleashed. No one stopped him when he headed towards Avery's room and burst the door right open-

But aside from the curtains flowing gently over the open window, no one was there.

"That poor kid isn't getting a break." Theodore said through mouthfuls of bread.

You glanced up from your lunch to see Sophia being pestered by students who no doubt wanted the details on her attack. With classes becoming routine, people were looking for any bit of drama to keep themselves occupied.

"It's too bad," said Simone. "At least her injuries have healed up nicely."

No one said anything as the cutlery clanked against your plates. Maybe everyone was just tired. Eleanor didn't have much to say. But as of recently- he never did.

"You're quiet." You said to him.

"Hm? Oh." He replied. "Sorry."

You raised an eyebrow after more silence followed.

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