Chapter 29: Morning With The Undead

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Not entirely sure it wasn't all a dream, you followed Dimitri back to the common room. Were you really going to spend the weekend away from Arcadia Castle? And that brought up another question...

"We're not leaving now, are we?"

The boy studied your expression.

"It's rather late, beyond midnight and well past curfew." Dimitri said. "But there are vacant rooms in the dormitory."

"You can't be serious." You replied.

"I am." He said airily. "Given the circumstances, it'd be irresponsible to let you leave my sight with our very existence on the line."

"I don't know..."

"But after this weekend it will be your choice, y/n." Dimitri said solemnly as the clock struck once; 1:00am.

"You can't be serious." A voice echoed your words. From the corridor emerged Roman, heat radiating from his centre but cold brewing in his eyes.

"I am quite serious." Dimitri replied quietly.

"Bel told me he wasn't going to alter her memories," Roman gestured sharply to you. "You think we can trust her to not tell anyone!?"

Dimitri silently held up a hand which seemed to piss Roman off even more. You compulsively took a step back.

"Y/n is here with us right now." Said Dimitri. "And even if we wanted to, Belmont confessed that he foresaw this happening."

"Maybe he should have done something to prevent it then instead of relying on me to solve all our problems."

"Trying to change fate is how we usually ensure it occurs." Belmont said from the top of the stairs. He wore a blank look on his face, his skin incredibly pale.

"We can talk about this after everyone has some rest." Said Dimitri more firmly. "I think it's crucial that y/n goes with me to Delwood tomorrow."

"Lucian won't like that..." Said Belmont.

"I don't care what Lucian likes." Dimitri argued. "Either I am there or y/n stays here and one of you goes to bring Cadere back."

The three night students eyed eachother. You began to feel increasingly frustrated at how little anyone was considering you.

"What about me?" You asked. All three turned to you. "What about what I want or what I have to say?"

"You don't get a say." Roman growled. "Not in this."

"Everybody calm down." Dimitri raised his voice. "Now, y/n, I'm afraid Roman is correct. Not right, but correct. You will need to stay with us for a while until we know we can trust you and Cadere comes back."

"All of my things are in my room." You held dearly to your argument.

"We have anything you could need here and if not we could easily retrieve it for you." Said Dimitri.

"I don't know how safe I'll feel..." you said simply. "I don't know what would have happened if you didn't- with that night student-"

"She's already taken care of." Roman said grimly.

"Okay- you know what?" You said tiredly. "I'd rather not pretend I have a choice.'

"I'll show you to your room." Dimitri said.

As you thought of your room at home with your aunt, and your room with Simone, you couldn't help feel oddly uninvited. Everything was so twilight zone- especially at night.

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