Chapter 11: The Party

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You never expected to see so many students not studying. The darkness was lit up by rays of multi-coloured lights and thick fog pouring into the underground.

"Look, it's Belmont!" Simone said, clutching your arm suddenly. "I'm going to go say hi..."

You noticed Roman gazing at her as she set off towards the blonde in the distance. Then it dawned on you.

"You're the Roman Simone met the other night..."

The tall night student met your statement with orange eyes.

"Perhaps." He said with a shrug.

"Where was she the whole night?" You asked. You had to raise your voice a bit over the music. In the distance, Simone was talking to Bel, and you hadn't even noticed Eleanor go off with Theodore. You were alone with this stranger. Tall and enigmatic, but a stranger, nonetheless.

"Your friend found me on my way back to the night class. She's quite the delight." He said without much expression.

You raised an eyebrow.

"And Theodore?" You questioned. "I thought night students and day students weren't supposed to talk to eachother."

"Theodore is Theodore." Roman said, rolling his eyes. "But if day students aren't supposed to talk to night students, you're doing a real fine job."

You were thankful for the darkness, otherwise he might have seen you blush. He seemed to notice the effect his sarcasm had and continued.

"You've made quite a stir in the night class and it's only the first day..." he said, peering at you with the faintest smirk. "You, y/n, have come across nearly every boy in my dorm."

You awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck.

"I mean, I didn't mean to or anything," you said quickly. "Simone's the one interested in the night class."

You knew you were interested too. But you didn't think Roman needed to know that.

"I see," said Roman. "Well, there's someone you should meet."

Your attention piqued up. You found it interesting how Roman hardly had to raise his voice for you to understand him. And how someone so composed could have such unruly hair.

Without asking, he took your hand in his and began making his way through the crowd. You jerked your arm back as a natural response but it did nothing. Roman was strong. It made sense- he was a tall guy.

All you knew was that you were glad the underground lair had fewer people than you suspected, and that you were behind Roman, because you didn't want him to see you blushing.

He took you near a table that had drinks, to the side of a makeshift bar. A boy just shorter than Roman set down his drink. Another night student.

"Dimitri, this is y/n." Roman introduced you.

Whoever this was, it was hard to look away. This student didn't have the boyish stature, or personality that Bel or Avery did. The mischief from Roman wasn't eminent. Even the playfulness behind Lucian's gold eyes was not met from this stranger named Dimitri.

He had dark hair- exceptionally dark in the night of the underground. His eyes weren't much different- a shade of red or magenta, that shone based on the lights from the party that reflected from it. His uniform, unlike Roman's, was sharp, well kept, and made him look all the more intimidating. He addressed you with a smile.

"Hello y/n." Dimitri said.

You turned your head to Roman, just beside you, but he nudged you forward.

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