Chapter 31: The Disappearing Shop

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"What did I miss?"

Belmont strolled over to Dimitri and Lucian, who pulled out an ornate pocket watch the colour of his eyes.

"She's taking a long time." Lucian frowned.

Belmont glanced around.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Roman will be here any minute." He said.

"Very funny."

"Which building did she walk into?" Dimitri asked. The boy's eyes narrowed at the length of the street.

"She's just over the-" Lucian paused, his flask in hand.


The wood creaked in pain, the door significantly harder to open than it looked. Wind chimes signalled your entrance, which you found odd given that you'd only seen wind chimes outside, where there was, you know, wind.

Ignoring that, you drew your attention to the rest of the building, which was even more bizarre on the inside.

Bottles of every shape lined the walls, cabinets and displays; tall, short, thick, curvy, translucent, opaque, beautiful, ugly, wait- that's a bong- square, round, big and small. Bottles with cork, labeled with parchment, flasks tied extravagantly with ribbon, and bottles that could be mistaken for ink, with the empty eyes of an ominous skull staring back.

A dark oak desk sat against the wall with an antique register, illuminated by floating lanterns and displays of what seemed to be rather foul looking bugs.

But most intriguing of all was the tree in the center. Its thick roots made their home in the floorboards, with proud branches reaching past the upper level of the store. The leaves were rich and green, hiding what seemed to resemble white apples, and a head of unruly dark hair.

"Hello!" The owner of the head greeted. The branches rustled, a few leaves swaying to the ground as the stranger adjusted the ladder. "Just a sec-"

You watched as the boy cautiously descended the steps, a basket of the fruit under his arm.

His eyes seemed to smile at you from under his hair- both the same shade of creamless coffee. His black frames idly peeked out from over his dress shirt pocket.

"Would you like one?" He asked, holding out the basket.

The fruit looked a bit smaller up close. You meant to politely decline, but instead you asked, "What are they?"

"You've never had a snow plum before?" He asked, disbelief in his voice.

You shook your head.

The boy took a plum, wiped it on his shirt, and held it out, beckoning you to take it.

"They're really good." He assured you. Hesitantly you took the snow plum, turning it over and studying the smooth white surface.

"I haven't seen you in here before, I guess I shouldn't be surprised you've never seen a snow plum before." He said apologetically.

Something about him struck you as familiar.

"It's just... been a while since a total newbie was in here. In fact, I think I was the last one."

"What is this place?" You asked.

He took a few steps back and extended his arms proudly.

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