Chapter 5: Finding Simone

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"Sometimes things just go missing around here, but they always turn up... most of the time..." Bel's words echoed in your head from the night before.

Simone was supposed to meet you back at the room last night. Maybe she had already started her day, head of the second years and all. But a look at her bedside told you she hadn't gotten to unpacking her luggage. Maybe you should have tried looking for her instead of going to sleep.

The thought hadn't even crossed your mind. You were so relieved to have found your things, and so tired... it must have been from all the traveling.

You got out of bed, as the sun caught your sleepiness from the antique window. The night class dormitory could be visibly seen in the distance, along with the bridge separating you.

The dormitories were like their own little castles, you thought. And the night class dorm wasn't nearly as foreboding during the day. It just looked a little... isolated.

Bel- the night student. You recalled running all the way to the train and back looking for your things, only for them to be in your room when you got back. How the hell did that happen?

You had just finished adjusting the navy blazer of your day class uniform when you were called to attention by abrupt knocking at the door.

You made your way over and when you opened it, you expected to see Simone.

But standing in her place was the last person you expected.

"Is Simone there?" He asked rather quickly.

It was the brave boy who asked Cadere those questions and turned out to be the other leader of the second years. The one with the red hair.

"No, she's not here-"

"This is bad." He said, holding his face in distress. "And you!"

He pointed a finger at your chest.

"You should be out with the rest of the second years by now." He said accusingly.

"Sorry!" You apologized. "I didn't know what time it was and I just slept straight through."

When the boy smiled, it reached his eyes.

"You're new here." He said. "Don't worry about it."

"I'm y/n," you said, returning the smile.

He took your hand and shook it without any prompting.

"Theodore!" He said enthusiastically. "Now- get your ass to the common room before Cadere gets my ass to detention."

And before you could decide just how much Theodore was kidding, you swiftly grabbed your small bag in case you needed anything and nearly tripped down the stairs on your way to the common room.

You could hear the chatter before you even got to the first floor. The second years were all abuzz.

It was cute how even though you were all old enough, the girls mostly talked amongst themselves and the boys did the same. Your eyes scanned the crowd for Simone's black hair but she was nowhere to be found.

Theodore was behind you a second ago but had apparently taken a rain check because he had disappeared too.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice called from behind. You turned around.

"Hey Eleanor." You said.

He was positively beaming in his new Arcadia uniform. You thought it made him look even more like a geek.

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