Chapter 1: TRAINing For This

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Since more people are reading Crimson, I just want to say thank you. I hope this story brings you even a fraction of the happiness you've brought me by being here.
~Fanfunctional ♡

"Why does every story start with a train?" You thought to yourself as you gazed out the window.

You saw a handful of families wave goodbye to the students near the tracks surrounded by rolling green hills. You had no one to wave to this time. But you still couldn't withhold a smile, watching the people on the platform; some just about ready to chase the train when it set off.

The view was absolutely beautiful, and after a three hour bus trip just to get here, you'd say it was well worth it.

But you still found yourself looking at the families more than the hills, while handfuls of students poured into the train aisle looking for seats.

"Excuse me?" A male voice inquired from the door to the caboose.

You turned your attention to the boy no older than you, with sandy blonde hair and eyes the colour of coffee left forgotten on busy Tuesday mornings.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked, gesturing to the seat across from you.

"Unless my imaginary friend decided to show up, I don't think so." You said, smiling.

Red tinged his cheeks as he sat down with a crooked smile.

"Thanks... my name's Eleanor." He said, adjusting his glasses before holding out his hand.

"I'm y/n," you said happily.

"Thrilled to meet you." He said. "It's getting pretty busy on board right about now."


Fewer and fewer students were making their way to empty seats. You found yourself once more looking at the waving crowd below. One young man in particular stood out, because it was hard to ignore his impromptu cheerleading routine. And what's more- he was looking your way.

"Do you see this?" You said to Eleanor, nodding towards the window.

"Oh my god- that's Maurice," He said, face palming, "my brother."

"He seems pretty happy for you." You said with a giggle.

The boy outside had to be a few years older, but was waving and, as far as you could tell, yelling things that made the rest of the crowd very uncomfortable. It was hard not to laugh.

"Well, he's always been proud, I think." Eleanor said. "But Arcadia is a fine school. We're both lucky to be going."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it." You said.

The train let out a loud whistle as the doors closed and steam billowed into the clouds.

Eleanor adjusted his glasses and waved gleefully at his brother while the wheels began turning and the hills began moving. You knew some would chase the train down the platform. Your eyes drifted to the crowd long enough to see Maurice run after it.

Eleanor quickly opened the window to catch his panting brother yell, "Don't forget the garlic! Take care brother!"

"Be good!" Eleanor yelled back with a smirk.

You smiled at how cute they were together. Eleanor sank back into his seat, still much taller than you in comparison, and sighed.

"What was that all about?" You asked with a chuckle.

"Hm? Oh- the garlic thing?" Said Eleanor.

You nodded.

"Well, Maurice attended the day school at Arcadia Castle too, when he was my age." Explained Eleanor. "He'd always bring up garlic and tell these crazy stories. But the joke is that ladies fall for me so much, I need to stock up on garlic to keep them away from me."

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