II- Chapter 45: In Plain Sight

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{Warning- as mentioned at the start, graphic potentially triggering scenes will transpire so this is my final reminder. Love you}

Tonight was a good night.

Safely at a distance you were able to confide in Eleanor what you'd learnt while walking back to the dorm. Most impressive you thought was actually being in a night student's room. You joked that Maurice had probably done it loads of times though so you didn't have much to brag about.

Eleanor's expression hardened.

"Is something wrong?" You asked.

He pulled you aside, the rest of patrol idling farther and farther away, in the direction of the only visible light coming from your home.

"Maurice shouldn't be making you do whatever you're doing," he said. "And I've tried not to interrupt, or enter into something where I'm clearly not wanted..."

You tried to interrupt.

"-and I know Theo is probably in more trouble than anyone is letting on, especially Theo. But I wish you would just tell me what the plan is. I don't want you to be in danger too."

What can I do?! You thought to yourself. Maurice doesn't want Eleanor to know you're planning on getting them to... you know... eventually.

"I'm just... trying to protect you, y/n." He added. "We're friends."

"I wish I could tell you," you said. And you meant it. "But I'll be fine! I have Theo, I have you, and I have Simone... wait a minute. Where is she?"

Eleanor glanced back at the night dorm while you craned your neck towards the group disappearing inside the day dorm.

"I thought maybe she was with you."

You felt like you were probably overreacting but the same type of panic you felt on the first night began climbing up your throat.

Without waiting for Eleanor, you quickened your pace to a speed walk.

"Hey- wait up!" He called, joining you with wide eyes. "We still need to talk."

"I know," you said. "Tomorrow."

All was silent except for a crow nearby. Or maybe it was a raven. You couldn't tell.

Once inside, you nodded to Eleanor and made your way to the girl's half of the dorm, as he disappeared into his.

A cold sweat had formed on your temple- you realized you had no recollection of seeing Simone earlier either.

The last thing you wanted or needed was for Simone to vanish again. Especially with everything going on. Especially with how little Simone knew.

You could not have gotten to your door any quicker had you tried. But it wouldn't open.

"Come on..." you muttered, jangling your keys in the hole aggressively. "Open!"

You kept turning the brass handle.


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