Chapter 12: Class

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"Get up y/n."

You rolled over in your sleep and pulled the blankets over you as an answer.

"It's the second day of classes."

With great effort, your eyes opened and adjusted to see the black haired girl sitting on the bed next to yours.

"What time is it?" You mumbled.

"Time for breakfast."

You were desperate to hang on to the remenants of your dream- it had left you with a warm feeling that was going away with every second.

"Get up!"

Your legs were forced to bare the chill of the room as your blanket was ripped away from you. It was time to go.

When you and Simone got to the breakfast hall, (the two of you in uniform but otherwise a mess), it was clear who partied last night and who got a good night's sleep.

You had a seat next to Eleanor while Simone sat with some of her other friends.

"Look who actually made it to breakfast this time!" Said Eleanor. He set down his glass of juice.

"Yeah, I'm here." You replied. "They didn't show us this place on the tour."

"That's because you ran off." Eleanor chastised.

To call the dining quarters magnificent would be an understatement. Rows of elegant tables reflected the sunlight from the windows adorning the castle walls. An enormous chandelier was above the center, with candles to light up the rest of the table at night.

"I didn't run off, Simone was the one who ran off." You nodded in her direction. "And speaking of running off... where's Theodore?"

"I don't know." Frowned Eleanor.

"What? He's your roommate."

"Simone's your roommate too." He replied airily. "But after you told us you were staying behind, we all left. My guess is that Theodore got up early or something."

You helped yourself to some toast and juice too.

"Wait-" you began, putting your glass down. "What? When did I tell you I was staying behind?"

Eleanor pushed his glasses up over an inquisitive gaze.

"Last night... you don't remember?"


"We said it was getting late and we should go back to our dorms before we got in trouble, and you told us you were going to finish the song and walk back with your friends."

"I never said that." You stated plainly.

"Um, yes, you did." Eleanor replied.

"Well, I don't remember it." You said. "And I'm certain I didn't say anything like that. Don't let me run off like that either."

Eleanor shook his head and leaned in.
"I didn't want to go without you but you were so certain and Simone got pretty sick." He said. "I don't know what she was drinking."

"I don't know what you were drinking." You snorted. "I saw you take off your shirt and swing it around."

"Shhhhhh." Eleanor replied before taking a long, long swig of his juice.

Class was fairly standard. The first day was fun, but the second had clearly already taken a toll on the day students.

After breakfast, you walked with Eleanor and Simone to class, and sat in the same place as you did yesterday- at the back. It was the same lecture hall style, with the same spunky teacher, but one thing set today apart from yesterday. Theodore wasn't there.

You and Eleanor exchanged glances.

"It's too bad Theo isn't here." Whispered Eleanor with forlorn eyes. "I saved him an apple from breakfast."

Not far off...

"I wonder what y/n is doing right now." Said Belmont. The blonde rested his chin on his arms looking over the windowsill like a sad puppy.

"Don't you have better things to do than think about some mortal?" Remarked Roman from the couch. He leant back and stared at the ceiling with his orange eyes.

"Don't you have better things to do than ask me if I have better things to do?" Asked Belmont with a growing smirk.

The ledge Belmont was leaning on was suddenly consumed by flames.

"WHAT THE HECK." Belmont shrieked, shaking his arms to stop the fire.

The flames ceased.

"You're so moody since last night." Belmont said, turning around and glaring at Roman.

"He's always moody." Said Avery from the top of the stairs.

"Don't make me set you on fire too, Avery." Roman sighed.

"Ooh, tough guy," Avery chirped, waving his hands in pretend fear.

"It's boring here." Roman droned.

"Maybe you should study in the library like Lucian if you're so terribly bored." Avery said, having a seat next to Roman.

"It's better than wasting time here." Came another voice from the top of the stairs.

"What have you been doing then, Dimitri?" Asked Roman. He rolled his eyes.

"The same as Belmont." Dimitri replied thoughtfully. The dark haired boy descended elegantly down the stairs.

"I can see Belmont wasting his time with her, but not you Dimitri." Roman said, his orange eyes meeting Dimitri's dark red ones.

"I normally don't call you out on this but you've totally been thinking about her too." Belmont snickered. "I've seen her in your thoughts."

Dimitri raised an eyebrow, while Avery laughed.

"She's not normal, okay?!" Growled Roman. "And I'm going to figure out why."

The tall, normally calm boy, stood up. "I'm going to my room." He said before he disappeared upstairs.

"You're the oldest here, you don't have any ideas?" Avery asked Dimitri.

"Not yet," Dimitri said, adjusting his collar. "But if I can arrange some time with her, I'll be able to get everything I need."

"You don't mean..." began Avery. His blue eyes widened.

"He does." Belmont responded in surprise.

"We'll have to talk to Lucian about this. And Roman, who likely hears me from upstairs." Dimitri said.

"Oh he hears you." Belmont said with a childish grin.

"I don't know." Said Avery, striding over to the front door. "What's Syllabil going to do anyway?"

"You'll see." Roman said from upstairs.

"It might need a little persuasion." Belmont said with a gleam in his green eyes.

"You might as well give up," said Avery, leaning on the couch like Roman was moments ago. "Syllabil's impossible to crack."

"But y/n's friends aren't." Dimitri spoke calmly.

The boys looked at eachother, and all thought of the same girl... at how little she knew of what to expect next.

Fanfunctional here! This chapter was a surprise, nothing TOO major going on, I wrote it while I was stuck on the highway for two hours at 4:00am.

Anyway, I should have said this before, but my university portfolios are on March 2nd (the day after my birthday hurray who cares) and for the past two weeks, I haven't been able to write. TOO BUSY. I managed to write this but you've probably noticed I haven't been writing like usual.

So expect nothing from me consistently until after then. Just get ready cuz lots of action is gonna happen. Thanks SO MUCH FOR READING. I love reading comments and hearing what you think.

~All the love,

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