Chapter 14: Y/n's Blood

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"What did you do?" Lucian's voice rang through the darkness.

"You'll have to specify." Avery said with a faint smirk.

"Look I don't care what you do during the night but you nearly killed someone-"


" broad daylight!"

"It was Bel."

Avery and Lucian turned to see Roman appear at the doorway. The sun had begun to set outside their dorm window, any semblance of amusement in the group; nonexistent.

Lucian crossed his arms and addressed Roman coldly.

"What happened?"


"What happened?" Simone cried.

The rest was a blur. As the near entirety of the day class had been in the common room, everyone wanted to break outside and see what happened. The period of shock was taken over by a period of chaos. Simone screamed at everybody to calm down. Her and the rest of the prefects went outside, along with Eleanor.

"You are not to leave this dormitory until you hear otherwise, understand?" she commanded.

So you sat alone with a racing heart... surrounded by people but otherwise frozen in time.

"Who was it?"

"What happened?"

"Are they... okay?"

How could this have happened? you thought to yourself. Surely this was an accident... a terrible accident. The castle was surrounded by wildlife and forestry. Arcadia Castle was a safe place to be... right?

Around supper time when the ancient halls were still buzzing with worry, the voice of someone you'd never met before called everyone back to the common room.

"I want to assure you that we are doing everything we can."

Stepping into the foyer, you met the owner of the voice- a blonde lady who had to be at least five years older than you, with long twisted hair and caramel eyes behind black circular frames. Her locks parted at the middle where she secured them at the back with a clip. The woman was easily discernible from the day and night class students, because she wore a blouse with puffy sleeves, a black tie, and a white apron dress that gave her the appearance of a nerdy, Harry Potter maid. For sure, you hadn't seen this girl before, because if you did, you would have recognized her.

"As head of the day class, I am responsible for all of you, as are all your teachers at Arcadia Academy." She said, pushing up her frames with a soft voice. The room was silent.

"Your safety is my utmost priority and your fellow classmate will be recovering from the animal attack in the infirmary. It is unfortunate but accidents do happen."

Behind her stepped the cloaked man you had not seen all week- Cadere. He looked no different than the last time you'd seen him; his hat shielding his dark eyes. Theodore walked in with the rest of the prefects.

"Dinner will be brought to you, but until then, none of you are to leave your dormitory this evening- do you understand?" Cadere asked.

The students nodded. You tried to make eye contact with Eleanor or Simone, but everyone was focused on the head of the night class.

Why hadn't you met the head of the day class before? It hadn't even really occurred to you- the first week at Arcadia was so busy.

With a few final words, and no one brave enough to ask any questions, the staff left, with Cadere's cape trailing the floor behind him. You ran up to your friends at once.

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