Chapter 13: Aren't YOU Popular

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The rest of the week passed by quicker than you could have imagined. Much to your dismay, you didn't see any of the night students again. Not until the Friday before your first weekend at Arcadia Castle Academy.

In the evenings just before supper, the night class students could be seen walking together to their classes, which were connected to their dormitory.

Simone tapered more and more as the days went on. You found yourself spending almost the entire week with Eleanor and Theo. Talking to Simone at the end of the day was either her being silent or her asking too many questions.

"You know y/n, as a second year prefect, I'm part of a team of students who patrol the night class." Simone told you, sitting on her bed.

"Oh really?

Simone took off her uniform blazer and began folding it on the bed.

"Yeah, you should join! Sylabil is in charge of it." Explained Simone. She was more enthusiastic than usual.

"I mean, what exactly do you do?" You asked her.

"After classes I go to the bridge and just make sure the night students aren't getting up to trouble." She replied.

"I thought that's what Cadere was for."

"He can't keep an eye on everyone." She sighed. "But the night students seem to like you, you should join with me!"

"Does Theo do it too?" You asked.

"Yeah, he does." She replied.

You thought it might be fun for Eleanor to do it with you. You recalled Theodore telling him a joke at breakfast and Eleanor snorting orange juice out his nose. Good times.

"Okay, I guess I'll see." You told her.

And see you did. After talking to Sylabil, the spunky, young teacher who assured you Simone would teach you the ropes, you were in.

Of course, you expected it would be harder. But that Friday when you expected to patrol the night students during the evening, you were caught by surprise to see Belmont that morning. Just outside the dining hall, after breakfast when it had mostly cleared out.

"Belmont, what are you doing here?" You asked in a hushed voice.

The blonde took your hand and ran down the garden path with you. It was just like when you were looking for your luggage, the first night.

Belmont stopped at a small park, surrounded by oaks. Thought it couldn't really be considered a playground, it had a tempting swing set surrounded by roses and the sounds of the forest.

"Race you to the swings!" He cried, before bolting ahead. You ran after him. With his head start, and longer legs, you didn't have a chance.

But he didn't sit down. With you a second behind him, Bel gestured to the chair.

"Ladies first!" He said with a grin.

You gestured to the chair nearest him.
"Then after you."

Right before Belmont sat down, you pulled the seat away and he fell onto the grass.

You snorted as he burst into laughter and you followed suit. Belmont really was something else. His childish laugh distinguishable from his green eyes.

That's weird- you could have sworn they were more of a silver the last time you saw him.

In good humour, you held out your hand, offering to pull him up.

"Sorry about that, I-" you began, but in one swift course of action, you flew forward as Belmont pulled you down with him.

You landed on top of the boy as your face grew redder than the roses surrounding you.

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