Preference 1: Your Secret Talent (Part 1/2)

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Tony- You'd always thought of yourself as a good singer. When you were younger you were really presenting about it, and now that you're older, you've been more shy about it. You only sang when no one was around, or to Wanda or Natasha. You'd never sang in front of the rest of the avengers, but after a night of truth or dare, that was going to change.

"(y/n)! Truth or dare?" Wanda asked.

"Dare." you replied, ringing your hands together in nervousness.

"I dare you to sing," she said.

Natasha stared at you, and you nearly died of choking on your water. Everyone kind of stared at you.

"C'mon (y/n)! You have to!" Wanda said, rather excitedly.

Your heart skipped a beat, and you mentally said "Screw it. It's now or never"

"You got me sippin' on somethin', I can't compare to nothing, I've ever known I'm hoping, that after this fever I'll survive" You sang.

There was a silence. Not a tense silence, but an enjoyable silence. Wanda and Natasha were the first to clap, as followed by the rest. Tony pulled you in from the side, "I never knew you could sing like that! You're amazing!!" He said before kissing your cheek.

Steve- You we're phenomenal at tumbling. You'd taken gymnastics since forever, and stopped right before you joined the Avengers. It's always been in your file, but no one really payed attention. You were in the training room with Nat, who was also a level 10 gymnast. You were showing off different tumbling passes to each other, and it was your turn. You took your approach.


Back handspring

Back handspring


When you landed, you looked up and saw Steve at the doorway, staring and clapping. You pushed your sweaty curls out of your face and ran to hug him. "Honestly, that would have been the last thing i would have guessed was your secret talent" He said with his face buried in your hair.

Pietro- You could play piano like nobody's business. You're dad was a professional pianist, and he'd given you the genes to play piano so well. You liked to sit in the main room of the tower and play when everyone was away, and tonight was one of those nights. You took your seat on the bench and let your fingers flow. You played the whole song of "Skinny Love" by Birdy, and gently sang along. When you finished, you opened your eyes and saw all of the Avengers in the elevator staring at you, and Pietro was the first one to clap, followed by the rest. "That was beautiful, (y/n)." Pietro said, kissing you on the forehead.

Bucky- You we're a pro at martial arts, and had no reason not to show it. The Avengers had training today, and everyone was in the room doing their own thing. Natasha knew your abilities and decided to test them, so she challenged you to a fight. You both threw the same blocks, punches, and the same moves over and over, until you couldn't anymore. "Tie?" Natasha said, breathing heavily. "Tie." You said. "Where'd you learn to fight like that?" Bucky said, coming over to you. And he wasn't the only one. The rest of the Avengers had watched the whole fight between you two, and they were amazed. "Places." You said, rather calmly. "No one learns to fight like that in just random places!" Tony exclaimed. "I gotta hand it to you, kid, you are amazing." Tony said. Bucky pulled you in for a side hug, and kissed your cheek.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed my first preference. I'd originally written an imagine about wash day at the Avengers tower, but I was reluctant about posting it, because it seemed a bit boring. Who knows, maybe i will, lol. Part 2 will include: Bruce, Clint, Loki, and Thor. I might do a 3rd part and include Natasha and Wanda, lol. My school gets out Thursday, and then I'm going on vacation, so I might not be able to write as much while on vacation. Thanks for being awesome readers!! xx- gigi.

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