Avengers x Reader

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imagine: You get injured on a mission

Warnings: gun shot wounds mentioned and described

Powers: basic controls of all four elements

"Dropping in 30 seconds!" Clint said from the pilot's seat of the quinjet.

Our mission was simple. Go in, rescue hostages, and transfer data files. Tony, Thor, Captain, Wanda, Vision and I were going to rescue the hostages. Nat and Pietro were going to transfer data files. Bruce and Clint would stay on the quinjet on standby to pick us up if anything happened.

"We're at the drop point!" Bruce yelled from the front of the jet.

"Suit up." Tony said before attatching his helmet to his suit.

I put on my combat boots and prepared to "sky dive". I pushed the green button on the rear of the jet and the floor started going down. I jumped first, followed by Tony, whom was carrying Natasha and Pietro to the data storage room. Near the side of the ship, I used my powers to slow down my fall into the water. Next, I used the water to push myself and the other avengers to the side of the ship. One by one we climbed up, and met up with Vision, Thor, and Tony.

"Listen, everyone has to be taken out quickly and quietly. One sound of an alarm, and those hostages are done. Tony, (y/n), Vision, up top. Wanda and Thor, You're with me. Got it" Captain said, looking rather serious.

All of us silently nodded before parting ways. Tony grabbed onto me and took flight, vision in tow. He set me down, and i quickly went up the metal stairs, hiding behind a metal crate.

"Eyes open. (y/n), how many" Tony whispered.

I peered over the crate I was hiding behind and counted the HYDRA soldiers.

"Twelve. Two 5 meters ahead, three 15 meters ahead, 7 guarding the door. We have to act fast. Create a distraction." I said to Tony.

"Friday you're up" He said, and a small beeping object fell from the sky in the middle of the first 5 guards. Each of them turning around. Vision and I acted fast, snapping the necks of the first 2 guards, Tony using a silenced gun feature took out the other 3. Still un-noticed by the other guards, we moved further toward the door. Tony took out the 2 closest to the door, Vision took out 3, and I started to take out one guy. I snapped his neck, and something hit me in the back of the head, hard.

"(y/n)!" Tony yelled, starting toward me.

I fell over to my knees. I felt a dull pain in my thigh, as falling over became second nature in a second. The soldier stood above me, gun barrel planted toward my head. Don't be stupid (y/n) you're not Natahsa. Everything slowed down, and a flash of red, sliver, and blue hit the guard in the slide of the head, leaving him on the ground.

Tony ran over to me, lifting his face plate up after looking at my leg. I touched my wound, and brought my fingers up to my face. In an instant my heart began to race and my breathing became ragged. I was never the one to cry; however I didn't know the extent of the damage. My vision began to blur, and I was no longer to sit up anymore.

"(y/n)! (y/n)! Stay with me, please. We're going to get you out of here. Keep your eyes open. That's an order (y/n)!" Tony said, hands on either side of my head.

Steve knelled down to me, observing my wound. If i ever make it out of this alive I need to thank him for saving me.

Vision was holding open the door for the hostages to leave and go onto a different helli-carrier. Once all were out, Thor, Wanda, Natasha, and Pietro Climbed up the ladder and observed the scene.

"Oh my gosh, (y/n)!?" Nat ran up to me.

"Nat.. I'm alive" I said with a now raspy voice, "You need to teach me some of your moves if i make it out of this"

"Don't say that (y/n) we're going to get you home safely. " Tony said.

"Hold on (y/n)" Nat said ripping the leg of my suit.

The skin was still the shade of brown it had always been, but as it got to mid-thigh my skin was red. Finally, the grusome wound came into my visual. I can't feel it, but i know soon I will.

"The bullet hit an artery, and the other exited through the back of her thigh. We have to go, now." Natasha said, hurrying her words.

Steve had picked me up bridal style, and started to carry me to the quinjet.

"Just give her to me!" Pietro argued.

"No, your speed will probably injure her further," Tony said.

I lifted my neck up a little to see my leg again. The arm of Steve's suit was also getting darker from the blood seeping out of my wound.

"Bruce, we're coming in, (y/n) got shot. Twice in the right thigh, 2 entry wounds, one exit. She's loosing a lot of blood," Natasha said through an ear piece.

The adrenaline started to wear off and slowly I was feeling the pain of the wounds. I squeezed my eyes in pain, tears seeping out of the corners.

"Hang in there (y/n)-" Steve said.

My head started to fall back, my eyelids now heavy. Black spots took over my vision, and I can hear faint voices that sound like shouting. I can't make out what they're saying, my ears feel like they're stuffed with cotton. I felt them lay my limp body onto a cold table. I closed my eyes as darkness overtook me, surrounded me, and made peace with me.


I lift my head up slightly, which I instantly regret. My head now pounding with pain, only increases. The pain is getting worse every second I delay calling for help.

"Tony!" I yell, the first name that comes to mind.

As if on cue, Tony runs in the room.

"Please don't yell like that anymore, you scared me," he said, "As if you haven't done that enough already."

"I dont think i can, my head is killing me." I said weakly.

"Well thats kind of what happens when you cheat death. Ask me, or anyone else that's fallen from a space wormhole or escaped from their mansion falling on top of them in the Pacific ocean." He said, nonchalantly.

Cheating death? He walked over to the other side of me and adjusted something on my IV.  IV? I look around at my surroundings, to better understand my situation. I'm still in the quinjet. I'm in a bed. I struggle to sit up again and look at my legs. I snatch the warm blanket off of them, and look at my right leg. My thigh is now covered in a white dressing.

"Do you remember what happened, (y/n)?" Tony asked me still fixing my IV, moving to the computer.

"Not really.. Everything that happened is a blur," I said furrowing my brows. "Why is my leg bandaged up?" I asked.

"Well-" Tony began, still typing away on the computer

"(y/n)! You're awake!" Natasha said running in. She hugged me carefully.

"What's going on? What happened to my leg?" I asked again, getting more worried.

"Some hydra soldier shot you." Tony said.

"Twice." Steve said, coming into the room. "Don't worry, I got him though." He said, folding his arms across his chest, slightly smirking.

"You're a real trooper (y/n), we didn't think you were going to make it." Tony added.

"By we I think you mean yourself and Friday. I knew (y/n) would pull through, she always does"Natasha said.

I looked at my leg again, adjusting it this time from a different angle. Though my memories of what happened would probably never come back, I'd still experienced one of the most traumatizing things in my life. Tony walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"It's going to be okay," He said, rubbing my back. I hope he wasn't lying.

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