Preference 6: Going To Work With Him (Part 2/2)

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Bruce: Bruce doesn't really have a job (AoU reference). You two live on an exotic island off the coast of Fiji, and spend your days enjoying each other's company

Clint- He doesn't spend as much time in his "nest" as he would if you weren't with him. His facial expressions are much more calm, but he's super protective. His bow and arrow, not like all times, is strapped to his back, loaded and ready to go. When he goes to train the new initiates with Steve, Falcon, and Vision, you and Natasha end up causing trouble around the base. Playing pranks on Thor, who isn't "earthly" enough to understand, and Tony who claims to be the prank king. Fury always ends up catching you guys which results in you two having to sit in his office like children until Clint comes to get you.

Loki: Though he doesn't work and lives on Asgard, Loki still visits you as much as he can. He sneaks around though because you work for the Avengers, and you know they would disapprove :(

Thor: Thor works for the Avengers most of the time. When he gets called ini to go on missions or just go to meetings, you tag along. Not on missions though, because you're not an Avenger. He stands near you at all times, but he's not big on PDA. He's always watching over your shoulder or asking someone where you wandered off to. He usually finds you and Fury yelling at Tony for something.

Vision: Vision doesn't need to keep a close watch on you, but since you're both on the Avengers, you go to work together. Sometimes you don't see him because of meeting with Fury and different members of the Avengers. You end up seeing each other in at least one meeting a day in which he sits by you and can't keep his hands to himself, which usually ends up with you two going home early :)))

Sorry it's super short but i hope you liked it!!


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