Catch-Ups: T'Challa/Black Panther

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Your Secret Talent: Fashion. When you were younger, your second home was your mother's closet, and she would always catch you wearing her heels that were 6 sizes to big for you at the time. She took many pictures of you in your outfits, and you constantly played princesses with her. Now that you're older, that princess-y, pink, girly style has somehow got lost deep inside. You always dressed your best — even on Mondays. You showed up to all of your meetings at the Avengers base with red bottomed heels or some casual converse, a nice dress, or a t-shirt, flannel, and boyfriend jeans. No one knew what you would look like the next day, and it was certainly a surprise. It got to the point where Tony would always barge into your closet, looking to see if you had a mall up there like London Tipton, but he would just find nice clothes. The Avengers turned it into a game, and everyone began to bet on what colors you would wear the next day. They would always wake up earlier than you and wait for you to walk out to the breakfast table, which usually turned the silent room into a room full of loud yells and the sound of money sliding against money, being counted. T'Challa appreciated that you dressed nicely and took pride in your appearance no matter what the occasion. He would always tell you that he wished that his father had the chance to meet someone that dresses just as nicely as he did.

How He likes your hair: Natural. After you decided to make the big chop and cut off ALL of your perm ends, T'Challa swore that he fell more in love with you than the day he'd first laid eyes on you. When you'd come back to the base after going to one of the salons that does a variety of hair types with your now shorter hair, T was shocked at first, but hugged you and began to tell you that you looked like a majority of the women where he is from, but you looked better. He made you feel special, no matter how your hair looked, and that was one of the things that really attracted you to him.

What you help him with: Keeping his life together. After losing his father, becoming the king of a country that holds one of the most valueable metals in the world, having to deal with the military pulling him every which way after the Hulk vs. Hulk Buster situation shook his country, chasing Captain America and The Winter Soldier ON FOOT, coping with the aftermath, The Sokovia Accords, forgiving two of his formerly most hated persons, and operating a facility that held one of the most wanted men in the world,all in a matter of days, the LAST thing T'Challa needed was to have his life fall apart and be left to pick up the pieces by himself. He couldn't do it on his own, and when he called you after things finally slowed down, he broke down and told you he couldn't do it by himself. You helped him make decisions for the country's well being, quickly becoming an important public figure in Wakanda. You scheduled him frequent and regular intervals with a psychologist to help him cope with the loss of his father, and most importantly, you chose to never leave his side, which is why he made you his wife and queen.

The challenge you do together: The chapstick challenge. You decided to test T'Challa's skills by making him guess various chapsticks, and him doing the same to you. He guessed all but the "Strawberry-Banana" one, and you got 2 out of five right.

Bringing Home Your Baby: The day after giving birth to your beautiful son, T'Challa decided it would be funny to re-enact the scene from the Lion King where Simba is raised on the cliff. However he would have to improvise because there was no cliff in the hospital room, and you wouldn't let him near one if he could get to it with your new son. You gave birth to your son in New York so he could be born an American citizen and not have to go through a lot of paperwork. T also decided that it be best if he started and kept his family in New York, with the Avengers, so that you guys could be as safe as possible. Wakanda wasn't exactly the safest place. Holding Vibranium deep inside its core wasn't exactly the safest thing, being that it is one of the most demanded and expensive metals in the world. T had always had a calm, but feisty when needed nature when it came to everyday life, but after your son was born, he was nothing but gentle. With you, with your son, with others. HIs voice was always quiet and gentle, as if talking in a normal voice would cause your baby to start screaming. He had many custom things made for your son, his very own tooth necklace like his father's and a mini black panther onesie. You couldn't help but smile, because you family was now seemingly perfect.

Going to work with him: Whether it was signing off on laws in Wakanda or sparring with Tony in the practice room of the Avengers facility, it seemed as if T'Challa was always busy. And when he wasn't, you guys were on a plane together, and it was quite tiring. You decided it would be best to just stay in New York and work with one of your best friends, Maria Hill. It was very chill and relaxing to have an actual job, and not to be flying around all the time. But that did not stop you from missing T'Challa. The time away was peaceful and relieving at first, but having your husband to yourself for one week our of every 2 months wasn't cutting it. However, when he did visit, you had lots of fun together. Catching up and telling him all of the funny things Rhodey would do ,even while he was learning to walk again the man was cracking endless jokes with Tony, and he was always nice. And you would explore the base with him, discovering a new room every time he visited was a mystery that only you two would solve together. Everyone knew that they wouldn't be able to get a simple conversation with you while T was at the base, because you were always with him. Whether it was watching him view mission reports or type away at a computer, it was enjoyable for the both of you. This man truly was your best friend.

Take your kid to work day: Take your kid to work day was always very interesting because everyone on the team had kids, even Vision had a couple of kiddos himself. You and T'Challa had 2 sons, who were raised to be very respectful young men. They were fighters like their father, however they were exact opposites of each other. When you got to the base, everyone's children were running around in the training room, and your two sons soon joined them. You and T'Challa had a lot of business and meetings to attend to, so you both agreed that you would occasionally check on your sons at regular intervals. While you were sitting at a computer in Tony's office, Tony himself happened to come in. "Oh, (y/n), didn't expect you to be here, in my office" He said sarcastically, walking towards his desk to your right. "Yeah well my husband, unfortunately, has to use mine for the day." I said, turning around in the chair to face him. "Seriously, you guys need to get that man his own office." I continued, picking up my coffee cup.  "I'll mention it to someone," he said turning towards you, sitting down on the edge of his desk. "Speaking of your husband, have you guys decided which one gets to be the Black Panther next? Isn't that some sort of cultural tradition on his side?" He asked. I sighed. T'Challa and I had talked about it but we'd never come up with a solid plan. "I don't know. We've given it some thought, but they're so young and I think it'll be best if we play it by ear,  for all of us" I said, leaning back into the comfortable chair. "This chair is extremely comfortable" I said leaning even further back. "Yeah, I'll get you one of your own, so you can stay out of my office" He said, standing up to leave, a manilla file in hand. "Oh and tell your youngest son that if he doesn't get to inherit the Black Panther suit, I'll make him one of my suits." He said exiting out of the sliding glass doors. "Thank you!" I yelled at him, and he gave a thumbs up from the other side of the glass. I decided to go check on my sons, and to my surprise, my eldest was sparring with Thor's son, and my youngest was showing Natasha's daughter blacklisting. "Typical." I said, turning and walking elsewhere.

When He's Sick: When T'Challa is sick, he's very good at hiding it, until the second day of sickness. He's a busy man, the king of a country, a father, husband, Avenger, and he refuses to let something as small as a sore throat get in the way of any of it. It isn't until he sleeps in later than he usually does that you know for sure he's sick. He will usually be up and at 'em at 4:30 A.M., but when he is not feeling 100%, he wakes up at 10 A.M., with a fever, and you force him to stay in bed.


Sam and Rhodes soon to come. I just made this so forgive me haha im dangerously tired. But anything for you guys, right? xx-gigi

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