Wanda x Reader

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imagine: A select few of the avengers catch you and Wanda dancing in your room 

Wanda Maximoff. The people of the world knew her as a mutated teenager that had no control over her powers, Sokovia knew her as their hero after Ultron, the Avengers knew her as the "kid that can move stuff with her mind", but to me, I knew her as my best friend. Since nearly losing her brother in Sokovia, Wanda and I have stuck together like glue as she never left my side during the Sokovia. I'd lost my brother years before on New Years; and after thinking that she had lost Pietro, Wanda spent weeks in my room with me, crying, empathizing, and going through the motions as the thought of losing her family rocked her world. Thanks to Helen Cho however, she didn't. Yesterday, the director ordered that all of the Avengers go on a special ops mission, one for the more mature Avengers. Since Wanda, Pietro, and I are relatively new Avengers, we stayed home at the base until they returned. Today, I woke up at 2:30 p.m, for the first time in a year. Steve or Tony would usually wake me up at 8 A.M each morning for breakfast, pissing me off. Sleeping for more than 8 hours was definitely something I needed, and without Tony or Steve here I could sleep for 13. I slowly got out of my bed and headed for the common area, where I found Wanda watching CNN.

"Good morning, sunshine" Wanda said, grabbing her tea.

"It's 2:40, don't you mean afternoon?" I replied, searching through the cabinets of the bar area.

"Whatever. I was debating whether to wake you up or not but I just woke up an hour ago myself," She said, turning her head in my direction.

"That's what happens when Iron Ass and Captain Dorito aren't here to rudely interrupt our sleep," I added, pouring a glass of orange juice.

"Iron Ass? Where are these insults coming from (y/n) I never would have guessed that you had such a sassy attitude," Wanda asked sarcastically, walking over to me.

"After putting up with their 8 A.M. crap for nearly 2 years I couldn't care less, plus they aren't here to take the 'L' so who cares?" I said, putting the juice in the fridge.

"I care," Pietro said speeding next to Wanda and I in the kitchen.

"Oh so you're a snitch now huh?" I asked, raising my juice in his direction

"No (y/n) it's no secret that everyone hates the 8 A.M. rule" he replied, "Maybe you should try going to bed before 1 A.M., instead of staying up watching that Empire show or listening to 'C Breezy' and "August" or whatever his name is"

"You are so disrespectful its— you know what, I'm not dealing with you today Pietro" I said, walking out of the common area.

"Suit yourself (y/n)," He said, plopping himself onto the couch.

"I love Empire (y/n)" Wanda said, trying to take away from her brother's words.

"I know you do, Pietro doesn't realize what he's missing out on" I added.

I punched in the 7 number passcode to my room, "Is that a new password?" Wanda asked.

"Yes. I had to unfortunately change it after Steve and Tony wouldn't stop barging in my room to wake me up" I said, turning the door knob.

"I'm not worried about it, I can turn the knob from the inside of the door," she said, nonchalantly

"How do you think the team is holding up?" I asked, starfishing across my bed.

"I think they're doing just fine, after all, they have' Captain Dorito' leading their op" Wanda said with a laugh.

"Oh so you got jokes now huh?" I said

"I learn from the best," She added

My phone began to buzz, "Speak of the Devil" I said, sighing, as Steve's face appeared on my screen. "Hello?" I said picking it up.

"(y/n) it's Steve. Just wanted to let you all know that we won't be back until tomorrow." Captain said through the phone

"It's true (y/n), he's not lying" I heard Tony yell in the background

"Well why? Is something bad happening?" I asked

"No, nothing's wrong, it's just some last minute thing the director threw in, as always." He added

"I don't doubt it" I said with a light laugh, "Tell everyone that Wanda and I said hello and to come back in one piece."

"Will do, sweetheart." Steve said.

"Bye" I said, hanging up.

"Sweetheart, (y/n)?" Wanda asked wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"He's just a friend. A very dorito shaped friend" I said, laughing

"We can listen to music, and after listening to some of your suggestions, I made the perfect playlist for us" Wanda admitted

"Oh really?" I said

"Really." She replied, pulling out her iPhone

"Cash money records taking over for the 99 in the 2000's!" blared from my speaker.

I quickly grabbed her phone and paused the song, trying to catch my breath.

"What the — Wanda! Where did you learn about this music?" I asked

"I told you, I learn from the best. You're not slick (y/n) you do much more than watch Empire in here at 1 AM" She sassed.

"Either way, you're not ready for this song, and I'm not ready for you to be ready for this song." I pleaded.

"Ok fine. On to the next one." She said.

"Rain drop, drop top, smokin' I'm cooking the hot box—" Migos began through the speaker

"Oh snap, Wanda, we have to turn up!" I said over the music

"We came from nothing to something- aye!-" I sang

Wanda and I began to dance around the room singing the most popular song right now, screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

Right before Lil Uzi's part came on, we turned to the door and saw the whole team watching us.

I screamed in surprise while Wanda turned off the music.

"Hey, y'all!!" I said trying to make the situation less awkward.

"What the hell does bougie mean (y/n)?" Tony asked, looking me dead in my eyes.

"That's not even important, why were y'alll watching us without saying anything?" Wanda asked.

"It's cute. Right Iron Ass?" Steve turned towards Tony.

"Sure is, Captain Dorito." Tony added

"Pietro!! I'm going to hurt you!!" Wanda yelled through the door frame.

"Oh, no he didn't tell us. We could totally see what you guys were doing and what you were saying the whole time." Steve said.

"Yeah, (y/n) who's taking the 'L' now??" Tony asked, holding up an L with his fingers.

Then, before he could finish his sentence, Wanda closed the door in their faces. 

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