Preference 7: Take Your Kid To Work Day (Part 2/2)

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Bruce: You and Bruce have one adopted daughter together, who's iq is amazingly high. Since she is in college at 13, she cannot go to work with you guys. When bring your kid to work day comes around, you usually end up taking care of most of the Avengers kids anyways, because they make sure you can still participate in these types of days.

Clint: You were not going to bring your kid physically to work, but technically you were. You were 2 months pregnant with you husband of one year, Clint. You'd been trying for a baby the longest, and it just wouldn't happen. Finally it did. You weren't showing that much and you decided that bring your kid to work day was the perfect day to reveal it. You'd obtained a bunch of iWatch boxes from a friend at apple, and put positive pregnancy tests in them. You're plan wouldn't fail and it would be a gift to everyone. When you and Clint arrived to your first meeting, you handed everyone an "iWatch". "Thanks (y/n), but i could've bought everyone on the team 100 of these and not have a dent made in my bank account," Tony said, when he was handed a box. Ignoring his comment, you proceeded to say "Okay open it." Natasha was the first to open saying "Oh my God (y/n)!!!" while gasping. Clint was next, and he just stared into the white box. "Are you serious (y/n)?" Clint said, still looking in the box. "Oh my God." He said before you could answer the question. He walked over to you and wrapped you into a hug. "We're having a baby!!" He said. "I'm going to be a dad!!"

Loki: Loki doesn't really have a job, but you guys do have kids, which are a job themselves :))

Thor: Whenever you're called in for the Avengers, You and Thor bring in your 17 year old son with you. Some day, he wants to be an Avenger, but Thor brings him along for the experience. His choice of weapon? A hammer. Just like his dad, only he and Thor are able to lift it, with the exception of Vision. He attends meetings with you and Thor, and if there is a mission, he also tags along. You could often catch Stark's daughter drooling over the demi-god. I mean who could blame her. He closely resembled your husband who was the hottest man on earth and Asgard. :))

Vision: You and Vision's twin daughters had come to work with you guys. (In the comics vision is able to bear children somehow). They were polar opposites, May was a master at martial arts and wouldn't hesitate kicking anyone's behind like you. Veronica was way more reserved and off the scale intelligent like Vision. When it was the day to bring them to work, May spent most of her time in the room sparing with Natasha's son or Bucky's daughter. You could tell that May and Natasha's son had something going on, but you weren't the type of parent to put their kid on the spot. Veronica however spent all her time with Tony and Bruce in the lab, and they were amazed at her level of intelligence.

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