Preference 1: Your Secret Talent (Part 2/2)

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Bruce- You were a phenomenal dancer. You'd been dancing ever since you were in diapers. Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical, and you've even taught classes to people in levels below you. This was the only thing you and Natasha shared. You couldn't master martial arts, or be a level 10 gymnast, but you were an acrobat and a dancer, just like she was. You we're in the training room, alone. Not alone in the tower, just alone in the room. You turned on Breathe Me by Sia (amazing song btw you should listen to it) and allowed your body to flow to the music. Every turn, leap, ariel, and movement you made was full of emotion. To you, dance was like an escape from all of the responsibilities you had as an avenger. It was an escape from all the hate you received on social media about your race. It was like a painkiller after every mission you've ever been on, and it really did help you on the battle field. When the song ended, you finished your final turn sequence and observed the scene at the doorway. Natasha was the first to clap, as while smirking, and followed by everyone else.

"(Y/N)!!! You were amazing! You have to teach me some of your moves." Bruce said joking about the last part.

He placed a hand on your side and pulled you in for a side hug.

Clint- You were insanely smart, and always had to deal with crap about it, because of all the people that made your race look bad. In school, you'd never gotten a C, and you were in gifted classes. It really came to help in the missions because you could help Tony and Natasha hack any computers needed. Your IQ was at genius levels, and you'd always get into it with Tony about whom was smarter. Clint would always get jealous, because as soon as you joined the Avengers, Tony and Bruce were the first people you could blend in with. You always were the first to take a good different approach on things that were way better than the initial approach. Clint would always stay in the lab when you were there, even if he didn't understand anything you, Tony, and Bruce were talking about. You noticed at first that he was lowkey jealous, but then it turned to be highkey after a while. The struggle was that Tony, liked to listen to rock, Bruce to classical, and you to (y/f/ms).

Loki- You were really good at art, and weren't afraid to show it. You'd even illustrated an African American children's book. Loki found out one day when he came home and saw your sketchbook sitting on the coffee table.

"(y/n)? Did you draw these?" Loki asked from the main room.

"Draw what?" You yelled back from the kitchen.

"This.. What are you doing?" he said, setting the sketch book on the counter.

"Low-key twerking." You said holding your glass of juice.

(lol when i was writing this i didn't even expect that pun)

"What were you saying about something? Some drawings?" You asked.

"Yeah, these," Loki said sliding the sketchbook over to you.

"Yeah, these are mine." you said, taking a sip of your juice.

"Very cool. I never knew you could draw." He said, cocking an eyebrow.

Even when you were at avengers tower, you would find yourself drawing anywhere. Tony and Bruce especially took a liking to you because you could help them draw out blueprints.

Thor- You could model. You we're insanely tall, like 5'11" and that was perfect, because you could do so much more. Everyone would always say "You're so tall!!". Steve and you were nearly the same height, and would always play fight about who was taller, which made Thor kind of jealous. At Tony's parties, you would wear heels and be nearly as tall as Thor. Tony tried to "hop on your boat" by saying that "he'd been with plenty of tall models beofre" but he wasn't your type. It was when you joined the Avengers that you met the man of your dreams. Thor was only 4-5" taller than you and that was good because you were done growing. You'd played basketball, volleyball, and you finally found your forte, modeling. You'd modeled for many top brands, traveled all over the world, and met some of the top designers. The best thing is that you could have someone from another world sit front row at your shows, and everyone knew that you were walking in a show if they saw the group of super heroes in the front row. Thor was speechless each time you walked the runway, and at the end he would always have a bouquet of flowers just for you.

Vision- You were insanely athletic. Growing up, you were a girly -girl on the outside but a tomboy on the inside. You'd always got along better with guys than girls , but still had a few girl-friends here and there. You played soccer, softball. basketball, volleyball, cheer, golf, tennis, track, archery, and had done gymnastics. Along with your powers, every enemy you came in contact with knew you were a force to reckon with. Once on a mission with the Avengers, Clint was down, and you'd taken out at least 20 of Hydra's soldiers with his bow. You could keep up with Cap, and always went on morning runs with him and Sam, and you both usually ended up leaving Sam in the dust, saying "On your left," and "on your right." Vision and you together were unstoppable, and everyone knew not to test your nerves. Vision knew how to push your buttons really well, but not as much as the other Avengers. Everyone thought you would be the last 2 to get together since you always got on eachother's nerves. Steve and Sam played match maker, since they'd been your best friends ever since you'd joined the avengers. You and Vision really hit it off after the first date you were reluctant to go on.

(y/f/ms)- Your favorite music style

AN/ Hey guys! Thank you for 100 reads. I literally just starting writing this Saturday night, and so far its been a huge success! I will do a part 3 for Wanda and Natasha, but only if you want me to. Let me know (by commenting). The next part will probably be an imagine, but I'm starting to run out of ideas, so give me some! (by commenting). I ove writing preferences and unless they are short, easy to write preferences, they'll always be in 2-3 parts (depending on if i decide to do Wanda and Natasha in the future) But anyways, thanks for being awesome readers! See y'all tomorrow night! (where i am, thats when i post, every night) OH yeah, and if i didn't say it in the last part, I am leaving for vacation on Friday and i'll be on vacation for 1 week. I might be able to update, but who knows, most likely it'll be just imagines, since preferences are harder and take longer to write.Once again thanks for being awesome readers! Give me some feedback, let me know what you want from me/ what you want me to write. Thanks guys!! xx- gigi

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