🐈🔞Neko DJ x Basic DJ: Neko DJ's "Cat"🔞🐈

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Neko DJ was circling around in the dressing room, nervous that she was going to sing in front of not thousands but millions of people who had come to her show.

"AHHH! This is so stressful! I did not expect this many people to show up on my show." Neko DJ said as she put on her make-up until she heard the door to the dressing room where she is right now suddenly open.She was startled by this, and she looked behind her. The person who opened the door was Basic DJ.

"Jeez! You scared the crap out of me!" Neko DJ said as she held her breath.

"Oh well, sorry about that." Basic DJ said, but he saw Neko DJ feeling a bit sad.

So Basic DJ asked, "Hey Neko DJ, are you good? Is everything alright?"

"No, not really. I am just...well, a bit nervous about performing in front of not thousands but millions...MILLIONS, DJ-san!" Neko DJ complained as she sat on a chair to calm down.

"Look, Neko DJ, I feel the same way, and I understand, but you have to show your talent to those people who have been fans of you since the beginning." Neko DJ said as he held her hand and then hugged her.

Neko DJ smiled at Basic DJ, then hugged him back and said, "Thank you, DJ-san.".

After they let go of their hug, they looked at each other for so long to the point where they realised that they were both blushing. In embarrassment, Neko DJ's cat ears and tail started to waggle and act a bit sensitive until their faces started to get closer, and closer, and closer...and closer. A bodyguard opened the door and announced, "Neko DJ, it's time to perform now- Oh, wait, are you two busy right now?".

"No, no! It's not what it looks like!" both Neko DJ and Basic DJ said as they looked away from each other and scratched the backs of their heads nervously.

"Mhm. Well, ok, Neko DJ. Hurry up. Your fans are going crazy because of you." the bodyguard said as she exited the room.

"Alright, I will be there..." Neko DJ replied, but before she could finish her sentence, the bodyguard had already left.

"Hey, DJ-san, I gotta head to the show now. Cya, and thanks a lot, DJ-san!" Neko DJ said as she ran to the stage. The Basic DJ smiled and went backstage to see her do a great performance on her concert show.

After Neko DJ finishes her concert show, a lot of fans are cheering for her.

"WOOOO!" a fan shouted.


"NEKO DJ! Let me get your autograph!" another fan said while holding a photo of Neko DJ.

Neko DJ smiled happily since she knew that she had a great performance on her concert show while waving a Japanese goodbye signature to everyone. In the backstage area, Basic DJ congratulated her and hugged her, "Wow, Neko DJ! That was a great performance! You nailed it there! I wish I knew how to make better music like you do it." Basic DJ said to Neko DJ while she was flattered by what Basic DJ said. So she decided to ask Basic DJ, "Hey, DJ-san, could you come see me at my apartment to see and play with my cat, and maybe we can have dinner there? Oh, and here is the direction to my apartment, nya~" Basic DJ was quite confused but accepted her request, "Well, ok, sure, Neko DJ! I would love to!".

A few hours have passed since Basic DJ went to Neko DJ's apartment, which was quite luxurious. He knocked and saw Neko DJ and said, "Woah! Hey, N-Neko DJ! "You're looking beautiful today." Basic DJ was blushing because of how beautiful and pretty Neko DJ is, even without her make-up on. Neko DJ greeted Basic DJ, "Aw, well, thank you, DJ-san! Now, do you want to see my cat that you want to play with?". Of course, Basic DJ accepted the request. Then, Neko DJ took Basic DJ upstairs for him to see her cat when Basic DJ got in the room. He didn't see any cats and asked Neko DJ, "H-hey, Neko DJ, I can't see your cat anywhere in this room."

Until he heard the door locked, Basic DJ turned around and saw Neko DJ naked and said, "The cat is right in front of you, nya~". Basic DJ tried to escape from the window, but it was already too late.

Neko DJ was able to catch Basic DJ with her tail and jumped on him, took off his clothes, and was impressed and fascinated by how long and massive Basic DJ's cock is. "HOLY SHIT! YOUR COCK IS SO B-B-BIG!". So she started to do suck Basic DJ's dick. Basic DJ groaned, he tried to escape, but the only thing he could do was watch Neko DJ suck Basic DJ's cock. This went on for quite a long time...until Basic DJ cummed at Neko DJ's face. After that, Neko DJ thought of an idea, so she sat on Basic DJ's lap while hugging him, doing the Wrapped Lotus Style. "N-Neko DJ...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Basic DJ shouted while he tried to get Neko DJ out of his lap, but Neko DJ forced his dick into her pussy-cat.". Both of them moaned loudly and were panting. Neko DJ started pounding her big ass on Basic DJ's dick. "OHHH~ FUCK YES~ F-FUCK ME GOOD LIKE HOW YOU MAKE YOUR MUSIC, N-NYA~" Neko DJ said as Basic DJ thrust his cock into her pussy-cat faster. This went on for almost an hour! Until...they both came together. Both of them screamed with pleasure when they both came. After that, they both looked at each other, embarrassed, and decided to make-out with each other.

"Well, that was fun." Basic DJ said while panthing

"Yeah, it was my first time too..." Neko DJ said while going back to make-out with Basic DJ.

After they made out, they put their clothes back on and had dinner, which was pasta and fried chicken, as it was getting quite late at night.

"Wow, Neko DJ, this food is great! How did you make this?" Basic DJ asks while he is eating fast.

"Oh, I learned that from my mom." Neko DJ said while she smiled and changed the topic to how good Basic DJ's music is while Basic DJ talks about how good Neko DJ sang.

When it was time for Basic DJ to leave, getting his white jacket back on, Neko DJ ran and kissed him and asked him, "Hey DJ-san, would you like to come to my apartment again if it was our day off from the military? I would even let you see and play with my cat again~" Neko DJ said seductively.

Basic DJ also responded in a seductive tone, "Yes, I would love to, Neko DJ~". They both said their last goodbyes to each other and kissed each other again. The kiss was quick but passionate. Basic DJ went home by going down the elevator while he looked back at Neko DJ, who closed the door to her luxurious apartment. Basic DJ thinks about how to make his music better as his brother, Neon Rave DJ, or sing better as his cat friend, Neko DJ, who will become his cat girlfriend.

The End!

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