🛋🔞Fem!Ranger x Male!Sniper: Couch Sex🔞🛋

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Disclaimer: This Ranger (Fem!Ranger) is different from the other Ranger in the Engineer x Accelerator part.

Also the characters in this story are based off of these 2 characters made by EWF (Her/His art is really good. You should go check her/him out)


"I-is this what you like?" Ranger asked as she took off her dress, revealing only her bra and underwear. Sniper, who was sitting on the couch, looks at his beautiful wife, Ranger, up and down while he smirks and unbuttons his polo shirt. Ranger blushed at this and immediately closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw Sniper taking his belt and pants off and revealing a huge cock!

So Ranger kneeled down and examined Sniper's dick. She was quite surprised due to how big and long it is. "So? Are you going to start? ~" Sniper asked seductively. Ranger started to suck and lick Sniper's dick. Sniper moaned loudly while Ranger was getting busy with Sniper's cock until Sniper placed both of his hands on Ranger's head forcing Ranger to suck his dick faster. This went for 37 minutes and 46 seconds (Yes I calculated the time. What are you gonna do about it?) until Sniper released a lot of cum in Ranger's mouth. Some were even dropping on her boobs and bra. Both of them were panting. "Damn, you're pretty good at this aren't you? ~" Sniper said as he was panting. Then suddenly, Ranger got on top of Sniper. Sniper was surprised by this and asked Ranger what she was doing. "Shhhh~ Be quiet, Sniper~ You wanted this right? Well, this is only the beginning, baby~" Ranger said seductively as she thrust Sniper's cock into her. Both groaned and moaned and started to get busier. As they were both having some fun, Ranger touched Sniper's face and kissed him, and they started to make out like bastards. Sniper changed the pace and went faster and faster. Then Ranger screamed while she was moaning, "O-OH FUCK~ I-I'M CUMMING!".

"D-DON'T CUM YET- AH~ L-LET'S CUM TOGETHER~" Sniper groaned as he make-out with Ranger.

"I-I WILL TRY TO- OH~ MMM~" Ranger as she continues to make out with Sniper. Then Sniper shot his load into Ranger. Both screamed passionately.


Two hours later, Sniper woke up in the middle of a heavy rain. He wondered where he was until he saw Ranger sleeping silently on his chest. Smile blushed and smiled and held Ranger in a Bridal-carrying Style and took her to their bedroom. Sniper placed Ranger on their soft bed and covered her with a blanket. He then kissed Ranger on the cheek while she slept happily and cutely.

When it was morning, Ranger woke up on the bed and wondered why she was naked. She immediately put on her casual clothes and went downstairs, only to find Sniper cooking some bacon and eggs for breakfast, Sniper would notice Ranger and ask her, "Oh, hey, babe. How was your sleep last night?". Before Ranger could respond, she remembered what happened yesterday night and blushed, covering her face. Sniper only giggled at her reaction and hugged Ranger. "I love you, sweetheart~" Sniper said as he was hugging her.

"I-I love you too..." Ranger replied as she was still blushing.

The End!

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