💌Basic DJ and Commander: Basic DJ's Failed Confession 💌

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It was an average day in TDS, as they were protecting their Military Base from the upcoming enemies until there were no enemies left. The soldiers celebrated in victory as the enemies retreated. Commander told them to rest for a while, and they followed until someone approached him, and it was Basic DJ! "Ummm, hey Commander..." Basic DJ asks in a nervous tone.

"Oh, hey DJ! What do you want to ask?" Commander asked.

"I was wondering if we could go on a date- I mean, a hangout meet-up?" Basic DJ replied and asked.

"Yeah, sure, I have time." Commander said in a good tone. Basic DJ was glad about this, and they set up their date- HANGOUT, I mean, the next day.

Basic DJ was excited to meet Commander and showed up early to the cafe the following day. However, Basic DJ started to feel uneasy once more as he sat there, staring at an empty chair across from him. What if the commander never arrived? What if everything had been an error...?

Commander showed up. He sat there, feeling as though the longest minutes of his life were ebbing away. He grinned at Basic DJ after taking a long breath.

Commander apologised for being late, saying, "I got held up at work.". Basic DJ smiled, happy that Commander had shown up at all. "Don't worry, I'm just glad you're here." Basic DJ stated. They spent the next few hours talking and laughing, getting to know each other better. Basic DJ felt a connection with Commander that he had never felt with anyone before. The way their eyes seemed to meet every time they laughed and the way Commander would brush against his hands when he talked, Basic DJ felt like he was falling in love even though Basic DJ already had a girlfriend...

As it was almost sunset and they were on a pier, both of them were chatting. DJ would suddenly speak shyly, "So, Commander, what do you think of...".

"Of what, DJ?" Commander asked curiously.

"Of our...date?" Basic DJ replied in excitement as he was about to tell Commander that he liked him.

"Huh? A date? We were dating? I thought we were just hanging out." Commander asked with curiosity.

DJ was shocked by the fact that Commander didn't even see signs that they were dating or that they were even dating, but he decided to get straight to the point and say his confession while holding both Commander's hands, "Commander, ever since we met each other in 2020, I gained a little crush on you, but the truth is finally out, and I love you, not as a friend or a brother, but as a partner like a boyfriend! So, will you be my boyfriend?".

Commander would sigh and put down Basic DJ's hands and reply, "Look, DJ, I'm flattered by your confession, but...I already have a girlfriend.".

"H-HUH!? YOU DO!? WHO IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND!?" Basic DJ was shocked by this.

"Maid Commander, why?" Commander replied.


"DJ, me and Maid Commander have been dating for like a month now. How have you not known about this by now? I mean, almost everyone in the military knows about it, and look, I know she is crazy and all, but I can fix her, and plus, even if me and Maid Commander are together, we are still friends! I mean, bros before hoes, right?" Commander said.

"And dicks before chicks?" Basic DJ said while a bit sad, but Commander comforted him.

"Yes. And wait, don't you already have a girlfriend too? You're always together with your girlfriend, and both of you even had sex in the restroom in the Military Base once while everyone there was watching!" Commander asked.

"Wait, I do...?" Basic DJ asked Commander in confusion.

"Wait, you're telling me that you don't even know that you have a girlfriend yet!?" Commander asked as he was now shocked.

"Well, I..." Basic DJ was about to respond until Commander got a phone call from his girlfriend, Maid Commander, before ending the call.

"Look, DJ, we'll talk about this later tomorrow at the military base. Alright?" Commander apologised, saying he had to leave early because his girlfriend needed him for something.

"Yeah, sure, Commander..." Basic DJ accepted.

"Alright, goodbye, DJ. See you tomorrow!" Commander said as he walked away.

"Y-yeah...cya Commander..." Basic DJ walked in the opposite direction, but as soon as he got home, he cried, knowing that Commander had already been taken away. When Basic DJ got to the front door, it was already evening, and Neko DJ would open the door. "Konnichuwa DJ-san~ Do you want to take a bath, eat dinner, or me? Nya~" Neko DJ said as she was so happy to see her boyfriend.

"Not now, Neko DJ..." Basic DJ said in a disappointed tone.

"Awww, what happened, DJ-San?" Neko DJ asked Basic DJ as she sat beside him on the couch.

"Commander rejected me on a date- I mean, a hangout meet-up." Basic DJ said as he cried.

"Awww, don't be sad, DJ-san! Don't cry..." Neko DJ comforted Basic DJ before Basic DJ finally stopped crying. Neko DJ thought for a while and decided to "pleasure" her boyfriend. "Hey DJ-san, how about I comfort and pleasure you while you relax? Nya~" Neko DJ asked in a seductive cat tone.

"I guess..." Basic DJ said while feeling a bit nervous but relaxed. Neko DJ would nod and kneel down in front of Basic DJ as she started to take his pants off, knowing that Basic DJ was about to have the best "Gawk Gawk 3k" from her.

The End!

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