🍰🔞Chocolatier Militant x BBQ Pyro: Chocolatier Militant's "Cake"🔞🍰

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Chocolatier Militant was cooking and serving food to other customers as part of her part-time job in the military. It has been her dream to cook food for people ever since she was a child but due to the zombie apocalypse that has happened for the past years, she was forced to join the military. However, Chocolatier Militant also had a crush on BBQ Pyro, who has also had a part-time job at the restaurant for quite some time now. Every time she saw him, she felt something inside her chest. "Is this what love feels like? Or was it something else? "Chocolatier Militant thought to herself.

One day, she received an order from a customer. So she went to the kitchen to cook the customer's order, but then suddenly, she heard a loud noise in the staff's bathroom. She went to the bathroom and saw BBQ Pyro naked and was pleasuring himself. Chocolatier Militant screamed silently. Luckily, no one in the restaurant heard her. Both looked at each other like spooked cats, and both were shocked at the sight of each other. Chocolatier Militant then looked down and immediately saw how big BBQ Pyro's cock was. She was flattered by this. Normally, she would tell BBQ Pyro to dress up and get out of the restaurant furiously, but instead she locked the door behind her, then took off her chef hat, her apron, and her clothes, revealing her hot body. BBQ Pyro blushed at this sight, and when he tried to sneak away, Chocolatier Militant pinned him to the wall and threw him to the ground. "G-GAH- C-CHOCOLATIER MILITANT, W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" BBQ Pyro screamed but was cut short when Chocolatier thrusted her pussy into BBQ Pyro's dick in a Reverse Cowgirl Style. "O-OH FUCK~" Chocolatier Militant moaned as she kept on going faster.

"Do you like my huge cake, BBQ Pyro?" Chocolatier also said seductively while trying to cover her mouth to avoid the customers and other staff members from hearing them.

However, BBQ Pyro didn't respond. He only kept on moaning and was focusing on Chocolatier Militant's hot body. Chocolatier Militant was pissed by this until they came to each other. Both of them covered their mouths to avoid their loud moans and screams from the customers and other staff members in the restaurant. Both were panting, and Chocolatier Militant felt relaxed, but then suddenly, BBQ Pyro pushed her against the wall. "E-eh...?" Chocolatier Militant was confused, but then BBQ Pyro connected his lips to hers. Chocolatier Militant was shocked, but she accepted it. Then BBQ Pyro thrust his cock into Chocolatier Militant's pussy in a Standing Style, and both screamed passionately. Chocolatier Militant begged BBQ Pyro to stop since he was going too fast and people could hear them. But of course, BBQ Pyro was distracted.

"MMMM~ OH FUCK~ BBQ PYRO, S-STOP-P-PEOPLE COULD HEAR US~" Chocolatier Militant panicked.


"QUICK, C-CUM INSIDE OF ME~ WITH THAT HUGE LIGHTER OF YOURS~ MMM~" Chocolatier moaned as she tried to cover her mouth. Suddenly, Chocolatier Militant felt BBQ Pyro cumming inside of her. "OH~ FUCK~" Both Chocolatier Militant and BBQ Pyro moaned. As they were panting and putting their clothes back on, they saw the staff members of the restaurant staring at them, shocked, and some of them even puking due to their disgust.

"W-wait! I can explain." Chocolatier Militant tried to explain as she was still putting her clothes back on.

"This is all a misunderstanding! "BBQ Pyro replied and tried to explain the situation. But the staff weren't that stupid, and the manager of the restaurant was so disappointed with two of her favourite employees that she decided to give them a strike. However, since they were her favourite workers, she only gave them a warning.

Fun Fact: The manager supported their relationship and kind of shipped them.

After the work was done, Chocolatier Militant was heading back home to rest and was still embarrassed by what happened with BBQ Pyro at the restaurant. As she was heading home, she saw a dark figure walking behind her, and she stopped to grab her AR-15 in her purse (I have no idea how the hell that fit in her purse). "Hey, sorry about what happened before. Here is a bouquet of flowers as an apology..." the dark figure said as he revealed himself as BBQ Pyro.

"O-oh! T-thank you," Chocolatier Militant said as she covered half of her face with a scar and took the bouquet of flowers.

"So do you want to walk home?" BBQ Pyro asked Chocolatier Militant. And of course, Chocolatier Militant agreed (Even though she has an AR-15 in her purse, I'm still confused on how she has an AR-15 in her purse). When both of them got to Chocolatier Militant's home, As Chocolatier Militant said her goodbyes, BBQ Pyro kissed her. Chocolatier Militant was startled by this, but she kissed back, and the two started to make out. Then Chocolatier Militant thought of an idea and said while she winked, "Hey, do you want to come to my place so we can cook some cake together?".

"Sure, I would love to cook with you" BBQ Pyro said seductively. Both characters then went inside Chocolatier Militant's house and immediately went to her bedroom. Their fun has only just started...

The End!

But I am still wondering...


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