🍺Engineer and Medic: Medic's Unspoken Confessions🍺

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It has been two years since Engineer joined the Military. Medic has had a huge crush on Engineer and has been talking to her for a while. They were really close friends, like really close, until Medic decided to confess her feelings to Engineer, hoping that Engineer would like her back. "Ok, Medic, you have no idea how this is going to go. Engineer will probably say that she likes you too, and things will be perfect from here on out." Medic mumbled to herself nervously as she walked around base trying to find Engineer.

A peaceful evening on an open cliff overlooking the ocean. Medic enters the clearing, carrying a bouquet of flowers in her hands. Medic's heart raced as she clutched a small bouquet of flowers. She took a deep breath, taking up the courage to finally confess her feelings to Engineer, her close friend and crush. As Medic approached the cliff, her heart skipped a beat when she recognised Engineer's voice, but it was accompanied by someone, it was Accelerator. Medic hid behind a nearby tree. She peered around the trunk, her eyes widening as she saw Engineer and Accelerator standing close together, their faces illuminated by the setting sun. Medic's heart sank as she saw them talking together, and she started to listen to their conversation from behind them.

"Engineer, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while. I...I love you." Accelerator said softly, his voice filled with emotion. Medic's breath caught in her throat. Her heart ached as she watched the engineer's eyes fill with tears of joy. "Oh my god, I love you too!" Engineer replied, crying with tears of joy.

Before the medic could process what was happening, the engineer would pull Accelerator, embrace, and share a kiss. Medic's heart immediately shattered and turned to sorrow as she saw this unfold before her eyes. She stumbled back, trying her best to hold back the tears. Medic was shocked and saddened, "What...? No, this can't be happening.". Tears come up in Medic's eyes, and she took a step back, accidentally stepping on a branch, and would groan. The snap echoed in the quiet evening, causing Engineer and Accelerator to turn around. Accelerator would call out, "Medic...?".

"Medic? Is that you? Are you okay?" Engineer called out, her eyes widening in surprise.

Medic was still frozen as she stared at the two, she couldn't believe what was happening. She wanted to say something, anything, but no words or even tears came out. She just stood there in silence until Medic said, "N-nothing...I will be going back to base now..."

Medix didn't respond. She turned and fled, her vision blurred by tears. Engineer and Accelerator exchanged worried glances before chasing after her. Engineer walked closer to Medic and reached out for her arm, but Medic immediately pulled her arm away from her. "Medic, why are you acting so weird...?" Engineer got worried as Medic could see the love and concern that Engineer had in her eyes. That made her heart sink even further, and her anger started to boil inside of her. She would shout at Engineer, "Why are you acting like you care!?".

Medic would run away crying. Engineer ran after Medic and tried to grab her arm, but Medic slapped her hand away. Medic ignored their pleas and kept running as fast as she could, crying. Later that night, Medic was drinking at the Military Base's bar, trying to forget her troubles. Her heart is heavy with sorrow, and she was sitting by herself in her favourite secluded corner of the bar with multiple empty glasses in front of her. Although she can normally handle a lot of alcohol, she was stumbling as she attempted to drink more. "Another shot, please..." Medic would ask the bartender. Hours passed, and the bar grew quieter. Suddenly Militant, who had had a crush on Medic for quite some time, came up to her. Medic didn't even bother to look at him, she was still facing the wall in front of her. Medic, in a very drunken tone, said, "If you are here to make fun of me, piss off...".

"Hey, Medic. You look deep in thought. Is everything okay?" Militant said gently, sitting beside her.

Medic laughed at that question and took another shot. Medic, slurring her words, "Do I look like everything is okay to you...?".

Militant's heart ached for her. He had always cared deeply for Medic, though he had never found the courage to tell her. Seeing her in pain was unbearable. Militant took a deep breath before saying, "You know, I've always admired how passionate you are about healing others. You're one of the most caring people I've ever met, and I've wanted to tell you something for a long time. I love you." Militant would give Medic a heart-shaped box that was full of chocolates. Medic blinked, her mind struggling to process his words through the haze of alcohol and taking the heart-shaped box, "Do...do you love me?".

"Yes. I've loved you for as long as I can remember." Militant said, his voice earnest. Medic would immediately burst out into tears as soon as she heard that from Militant. She felt really touched by her words, something she didn't feel all day. "T-thank you..." Medic said.

Medic would immediately stand up from the bar stool and pull Militant into a deep hug. Before Medic could react, their faces were inches apart. In a moment of drunken confusion and raw emotion, they leaned in and kissed. It was a messy kiss, but it was filled with genuine feelings. Militant was caught off guard by that kiss but soon snapped back to reality and immediately pulled away.

Militant was shocked, "Woah, woah, woah! Medic! You're drunk right now.".

Medic snapped back to reality, realising what she had done, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me. You don't hate me now, right...?". Medic put her fingers on her lips and blushed in embarrassment as she stuttered for a response.

Militant stuttered from the medic's drunken kiss, "No, of course not. It was nice...".

Medic was stumbling over her words a bit, and she looked everywhere except at Militant. "I just wanted to say that I really appreciate how you were actually here for me when I really needed someone. That's why I wanted to ask you one thing. Would you be interested in being my boyfriend?" Medic, finally looking at Militant in the eyes.

Militant would reply, "Of course! I would love to...".

In that moment, they found a strange sense of comfort in each other's presence. Medic would then smirk and grab Militant by the hand, take him to the Medical room, and lock the door. Militant would ask Medic what she was doing, but Medic would say in a seductive and drunken tone, "Don't worry about it. Just watch me do all the work for you, darling~".

The End!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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