⚔️ATD Swordswoman/Fei x TDS Gladiator: The Final Battle⚔️

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Disclaimer: I do not know much about ATD (Arena Tower Defense), so there might be some mistakes among the characters!

Requested by Anonymous.

Gladiator was gearing up for his final battle in a tournament. As he finished gearing up, An announcement was made that the final battle was about to start. As Gladiator was walking to the arena, Slasher and Demon Gladiator were there to greet him. "Hey, Gladiator! Good luck in your final battle. We wish you luck," Slasher said as he patted Gladiator on the shoulder.

"For real, I'm sure you can win this and easily beat her!" Demon Gladiator rejoiced.

"I just hope that I don't mess up. I'm worried that I might fail." Gladiator said in a bit of a worried tone.

"Don't worry, we believe in you. You're in the finals. You can't give up now!" Slasher motivated Gladiator.

"You know what? Maybe I can do this. Thanks, guys; I appreciate it!" Gladiator then continues to walk to the arena while both of his friends, Slasher and Demon Gladiator, say, "Good luck!" and hope that he will win.

Meanwhile, with Swordswoman/Fei...

Fei has also heard that the announcement is now gearing up. As she was walking down the hallway to the arena, she met Cassy and Reaper/Melly. Cassy said, "Girl, good luck in the finals!".

Reaper/Melly then said, still showing no emotion, "Yeah, good luck.".

"Awww...thanks guys!" Fei said in a happy and shy tone.

As Fei was about to walk to the arena, Cassy then whispered to Fei, "Psst, make sure you go easy on your crush~".

Fei then blushed at Cassy's words, "W-what do you mean!?".

"Fei, we know you had a crush on Gladiator ever since both of you met." Reaper/Melly said.

Cassy replied, "Yeah! You even had a body pillow for him.". Suddenly, Cassy was cut off by Fei. "Oh, come on! He's not my crush. I mean, he is kind of cute, handsome, strong and b-big..." Fei said while stuttering and blushing.

"Oooh~? "Cassy teased Fei.

"Okay, you know what? I am going to the arena! I am going to show that I can beat my crush- I mean, Gladiator in the finals!" Fei said confidently while still slightly embarrassed.

"Ok~ You go get 'em' girl! And make sure you leave a kiss on his cheek!" Cassy teased Fei while Fei just walked away, still blushing to what Cassy said. Cassy and Reaper/Melly were heard giggling with each other.

The two doors open up, and the two finalists are now in the arena, in a place called...Sword Fight of the Heights! The Sword Fight of the Heights theme is now being played through the skies, and people are cheering as the final battle has only begun! "Welcome finalists! I am surprised you have made it this far into the tournament, but you're here. I just can't believe it! Well, anyway, for the final battle, you will have to obtain not 1, but 2 Illumina Swords through a bunch of obstacles and parkour!'' the announcer said that we will be calling it "RedHood".

Shout-out to one of my Discord friends, RedHood!

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