🔥🔞Fem!Molten Boss x Male!Molten Boss: Molten Queen's Return🔞🔥

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Disclaimer: Fem!Molten Boss' name here is Molten Queen while Male! Molten Boss' name here is Molten King since both of them are married.

Molten King was stressed, preparing his troops for an upcoming attack from the towers in his Hell Kingdom. "S-sir Molten King!" the Molten Titan says as he slowly comes up to the Molten King's bedroom with its fiery throne in fear.

"What is it now?" Molten King says angrily, as he was already stressed from preparing his troops, as they were almost out of resources.

"It's a letter from y-your...w-'' the poor Molten Titan was about to finish his sentences until the Molten King disrupted him.

"FROM WHO?!?!" Molten King shouts loudly to the Molten Titan, who fell to the ground in slight fear.

"F-from your wife, sir." the Molten Titan said as he was stuttering his words.

"Oh no, not her..." Molten King says to himself as he murmurs his words. His eyes were just filled with terror and shock as she remembered how destructive she was and that she was worse than him. He also remembers and was traumatized during the times where she was able to dominate him on the bed with no ease (Damn, poor Molten King).

"S-sir? Is everything alright?" the Molten Titan asks in a worried tone.

"I-I...ummm...j-just read what the letter says for me." Molten King says as he sits down from his throne, depressed as if he was giving up on something.

"Ok, sir, but the letter is quite short, so..." the Molten Titan clears his throat before he begins to read.

"Dear Molten King, I will be returning tomorrow from my vacation. I can't wait to have some fun with you, darling. I better see that huge dick when I get to your kingdom. Otherwise, I will pull your pants down myself in front of our kingdom and then suck it-" the Molten Titan awkwardly reads the letter until the Molten King stops him.

"Okay! Okay! That's enough...haha...well, shit, I'm dead." Molten King says as she puts his hand in his forehand in a stressed situation. For Molten King, his wife coming home and wanting to have sex with him every day is way worse than an upcoming attack from the towers. Molten King then dismisses the Molten Titan, and Molten King walks around in his room panicking and figuring out plans on how to stop his wife, Molten Queen, from coming to his kingdom just so she can have sex with him! Molten King was thinking of sending an assassin to kill her or something to stop her and go back. Molten King was horny, but the Molten Queen is way too horny. Molten King also feared that his wife may find out that the Molten King had some agreements and treaties with some other bosses, male or female, which might make the Molten Queen upset and jealous and make Molten King get dominated by his wife. Molten King then told his kingdom not to disturb him unless it was really important and told everyone that they should tell Molten Queen that he left. Molten King's kingdom was confused but agreed anyway. Molten King would then barricade his bedroom, hide in a hidden closet, and sleep there.

Later that night...

A royal molten carriage pulls up to the Molten king's kingdom, and as the Molten Titans open the door, Molten Queen immediately gets out of the carriage. One of the Molten King's butlers greeted Molten Queen with a bow and tried to escort her, but Molten Queen just shoved him off, not caring. She also shoved the other Molten Titans, Moltens, guards, basically anyone in the kingdom who got in her way. Molten Queen was desperately trying to find Molten King, as she was hungry and thirsty for his fiery dick. She busted through every corridor and room and was angrily asking everyone in the kingdom about the whereabouts of her husband. Some Moltens refused and were probably beaten up pretty badly or killed, and some Moltens ignored her and stayed away from her, not wanting to deal with her shenanigans. Molten Queen finally stopped when a Molten Titan told her about Molten King's whereabouts. Molten Queen happily went to her husband's bedroom, not even thanking the random Molten Titan who just helped her.

Molten Queen then opens the door to her husband's bedroom with fierce force, as her fire aura is so strong that it could completely burn and hurt titans like herself and her husband. She would then lock the door so that no one would interrupt them. Molten King would then wake up and get scared like a little kid, hugging his pillow. "Ohhh~ My dear husband! Where are you? Don't be scared, I will go easy on you~" Molten Queen said seductively as she teased her husband, who was hiding in the hidden closet. A few moments passed, and Molten Queen was starting to give up and was about to leave until Molten King accidentally bumped into a wall.

Molten Queen heard this and immediately found and dashed through the hidden closet, breaking it and revealing the scared-like child Molten King, who looked at his wife in true fear. "There you are, my darling. I have been looking for you.." Molten Queen said seductively as she bit her lips.

"Now...it's time for our little game~" Molten Queen added seductively and pulled Molten King out of the hidden closet, kissed him passionately, and then pushed him to the bed, pinning him down.

"My dear w-wife, can we not? P-please! " Molten King begged his wife to stop, but Molten Queen didn't care. So Molten Queen, being horny, took off her beautiful fire-armoured dress, revealing her busty body. Molten King got boners of this, Molten Queen noticed this and decided to sit on her husband's face.

"M-MMMMMM!" Molten King tried to breathe as his face was squished by his wife's ass.

"Do you like it, my darling? Don't worry, there's more~" Molten Queen said seductively while smirking maliciously.

"LET ME GO, PLEASE!" Molten King desperately begs his wife to stop sitting on his face. Of course, Molten Queen didn't give a damn.

"Mmmm~ Yes~ I love it when you struggle when I smash my ass into your face, darling~ Hahahaha!" Molten Queen said as she laughed seductively. Molten Queen Suddenly Molten Queen was getting bored, so she got up and took off her husband's armour. The Molten King tried to escape, but it was already too late. Molten Queen would then forcefully thrust and get on top of her husband in a Squatting Cowgirl Style.

And the game has only just begun.

Molten Queen moaned as her husband's cock was deep inside her, she moaned so loud that the kingdom can hear their sex routine, some were embarrassed, some ignored it seeing it as just your average Tuesday, and some prayed to the Molten gods that Molten King survives his wife's lustful acts that she was doing to her husband. "AHHHH~ F-FUCK! I FUCKING MISSED THIS SO MUCH~" Molten Queen moaned as she was thrusting her husband's dick inside of her deeply. Molten Queen was hopping on to Molten King's cock so hard that Molten King came inside of her in just 5 minutes! Jeez, that was quick as hell. "H-HUH!?!? IS THAT ALL YOU COULD DO? PATHETIC! I WILL MAKE YOU GO FASTER." Molten Queen screamed angrily at her husband while Molten King just couldn't do anything and was almost paralyzed. Molten King and Queen had sex for almost 10 hours, King came atleast 20 times to Molten Queen and they had been having sex all night! Before Molten King could finally relax since Molten Queen had stopped. SIKE!

Molten Queen then laid down on her husband's dick and started to suck it while it was smashed by Molten Queen's boobs. Of course, Molten King came in just under 2 minutes. It was already 4:30 am in the morning and when Molten King and Queen went to bed, Molten Queen began to smoke a cigarette while Molten King's cock, even when it was made out of fire and molten, was hurt by the fire aura of his wife, you could say that Molten Queen burned Molten King's cock off. Molten Queen after she stopped smoking would then look at her husband and ask him, "So...did you have fun, darling?".

Molten King, who was still traumatised, only murmured, "N-no.".

"Yeah, I thought so." Molten Queen said as she continued to smoke a cigarette.

Molten King, whose eyes were still in fear and horror, was still comprehending what just happened.

The End!

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