🎙️BethyVA x JohnRBLX: The Broken-hearted Gorilla Chef🎙️

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Disclaimer: This story is just a "joke"! I might delete this later, or maybe not. Also, if some of you don't know who BethyVA is, she is the voice actor of Umbra from the TDS Christmas Event 2021: Solar Eclipse and she also voiced other Roblox characters such as Agent from TC2 (Typical Colors 2), etc. And I'm pretty sure most of you already know who JohnRBLX is.

BethyVA had finished her work at Paradoxum Games, voice-acting Umbra for the TDS Christmas Event 2021: Solar Eclipse and was exhausted. She would pack her things and stuff in her handbag and exclaim, "Finally! My work here is done for now.". She then decided to exit the office while saying goodbye to her co-workers and friends. That was until someone invited her to Razuatix's retirement party. "Hey BethyVA!" a co-worker asked her.

"Hm? What is it?" BethyVA asked the co-worker.

"Are you coming to Razuatix' retirement party? Below Natural was hosting it." the co-worker responded.

"Wait...Razuatix is getting retired?" BethyVA asked, as she wasn't aware of this.

"When will the party be held?" BethyVA asked her co-worker, confused.

"Tonight, at 10:00 p.m." the co-worker replied.

"Alright, I'll see if I can be there." BethyVA said as she said her goodbyes to her co-workers.

Later, at Razuatix's retirement party at 10:00 p.m...

She arrived at Razuatix's party with her friends and coworkers, and they were all having a great time and saying their last goodbyes to Razuatix while BelowNatural was crying and hugging Razuatix as he didn't want him to go and he would extremely miss his best friend. BethyVA, who was enjoying the party, decided to get a drink, and as she was walking towards the bar, she noticed a co-worker and a friend of hers, it was JohnRBLX.

BethyVA approached JohnRBLX and asked him if he was okay, but JohnRBLX was too drunk to notice her. BethyVA would gently smack his head and ask if he was okay, which JohnRBLX finally acknowledged.

"WHO SMACKED ME- Oh, it's you, hey..." JohnRBLX said as he looked at her while drinking alcohol.

"Hey, is everything wrong? You seem upset." BethyVA said, worried for him, but JohnRBLX just shrugged her off and continued to drink more alcohol.

"Come on, gorilla chef. Just tell me what's wrong." BethyVA was getting annoyed at JohnRBLX for not answering her.

"Ok, Ok, fine! I will tell you..." JohnRBLX said as he sipped from his alcohol while BethyVA sipped her drink, waiting patiently for his answer.

"My girlfriend, or my ex-girlfriend now, has broken up with me." JohnRBLX explained that he had come to the party alone and was really unhappy and confused. He then started to cry.

BethyVA comforted JohnRBLX and listened to him as he talked about his feelings, "Awww, don't cry, everything is going to be ok." BethyVA hugged JohnRBLX at the back like he was a baby gorilla. She could tell that he was in a lot of emotional pain, and she wanted to help in any way she could.

After some time, both of them started to talk to each other and laugh off memories from the past. Almost everyone in the Razuatix' retirement party had already left. BethyVA noticed how drunk JohnRBLX is. BethyVA offered to accompany JohnRBLX home, and he wasn't sure what to say, "I-I ummm... don't know.".

"Oh, come on, you're clearly drunk! You can't get home by yourself!" BethyVA said, trying to persuade him.

"But my house is quite *hiccup* far away..." JohnRBLX said as he took another drip from his alcohol while being drunk.

"Then, we will just go to a nearby hotel!" BethyVA responded, now quite irritated. After some hesitation, JohnRBLX accepted BethyVA's offer, and they left the party together. The night was cold and the streets were empty, and JohnRBLX was still upset from the breakup. BethyVA held his hand, and they walked silently for a while. As they walked, BethyVA told JohnRBLX that she had never expected that he would open up to her like that, but JohnRBLX was too drunk to talk. Both BethyVA and JohnRBLX were able to find a love hotel. BethyVA hesitated to go, but as he turned her back, it started raining, so she had no choice but to book a room.

As they went to their room, they unlocked the door, and both were shocked as there was only one heart-shaped bed. "Erm, this is awkward..." BethyVA said while still carrying JohnRBLX. BethyVA would throw JohnRBLX to the bed, at this point, JohnRBLX was sleeping and snoring like a gorilla. BethyVA would get her stuff and put it on the table near the lamp. Just as she was about to take her clothes off and take a bath, JohnRBLX would grab her by the shoulder. BethyVA would look at her shoulder and see the buff JohnRBLX, who was topless. BethyVA noticed how hot he was and was blushing intensely, despite not seeing his face through his black paintball mask. JohnRBLX would pull BethyVA to the bed, hugging her tight like a gorilla. BethyVA could hear JohnRBLX murmuring something and it sounded like, "Please, don't leave me. Please, don't leave me.". BethyVA felt sad about this and didn't know what to do, so she just went along and tried to sleep with JohnRBLX. After a while of fake sleeping, BethyVA could hear the gorilla chef sleeping and snoring loudly. BethyVA sighed, and she tried to get off, but she couldn't as JohnRBLX was holding her tight. By this point, BethyVA was getting sleepy and tired, so as she was about to close her eyes, she silently said, taking a deep breath, "JohnRBLX, I know this is sudden, but I think I'm falling in love with you.".

The End!

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