💠🔞Fem!Fallen King/Fallen Queen x Fallen King: Fallen Queen's "Horny"mode🔞💠

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Disclaimer: Fem!Fallen King's name here is Fallen Queen and she is currently married to Fallen King.

"C-CALM DOWN, SWEETHEART!" Fallen Queen begged and tried to restrain Fallen King's rage as he was struggling and stressed with some military problems.


"Honey, if you continue your rage, you might get a high fever! W-w don't want that, right?" Fallen Queen held her husband's hand, but Fallen King just slightly pushed her away.

"I'm sorry, my love. You heard what the towers did to the other bosses, right?" Fallen King said as his eyes looked depressed.

"T-those are just rumours, my love-" Fallen Queen was cut before she could finish.

"No, no more." Fallen King said.

"B-but-" Fallen Queen was cut off by Fallen King.

"No buts, I'm sorry." Fallen King said in a sad tone.

Fallen King would return to his and his wife's bedroom in his kingdom, feeling stressed as he scratched his forehead, not knowing what to do with the upcoming towers. He believed the rumors that the towers would torture you to death if they caught you, even though it wasn't true, Fallen King believed it. "Oh, what am I going to do? How can I save myself and my kingdom from those stupid towers?" Fallen King said while being stressed. Just then, someone knocked on the Fallen King's and Fallen Queen's bedroom. "Who is it? You may come i-" Fallen King was about to finish until he saw his wife, who was in the door wearing lingerie and whose eyes were glowing light blue.

"W-what the fu-" Fallen King was confused until the Fallen Queen immediately locked the door and pinned her husband to the bed. Fallen King would realise that his wife wasn't in her "Rage" or "Horny" mode, she was in her "Horny" mode. "F-FALLEN QUEEN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Fallen King panicked as he tried to get out of his wife's grasp.

"Oh, my dear, loveable husband, you need to be punished for being rude to our little children- I mean, MINIONS!" Fallen Queen blushed as she took off her lingerie, revealing her hot and perfect body. Fallen Queen thought of the Fallen King's soldiers and minions, like the Fallens or the Fallen Guardians, as her own little children, even though they were only servants or a lower class than her or her husband. "AW HELL NO!" Fallen King tried to run away as fast as he could from his wife and exit their bedroom, but it was too late. Fallen Queen would break Fallen King's armour and clothing, revealing his naked body. Fallen King would try to hide, but Fallen Queen would sit on top of Fallen King's cock. Fallen Queen would wheeze but continue to hop on her husband's dick in a Cowgirl Style. "A-ah! Yes, I love you so much, darling~" Fallen Queen moaned as she looked up on the roof, feeling satisfied. Fallen King was satisfied, but he was kind of embarrassed since most of the time, he'd be doing the work, but now here he is, weak and powerless against his wife's horniness. Fallen King could do nothing but watch, and his wife did all of the work during their sex. Meanwhile, the Fallen Guardians, who were guarding Fallen King's kingdom, heard both of them. "What is our mother- I mean, queen, doing to our king?" a Fallen Guardian asks his group.

"I don't know... maybe they are boxing or something?" a Fallen Guardian replied.

"But those sounds don't sound like boxing, they sound more like sex..." a Fallen Guardian interfered.

"If that's the case, maybe we will get a new brother- I mean, a new heir! "a cute and small Fallen said. Everyone cheered for the new heir and continued to march and guard the fallen king's kingdom. Now with the two horny king and queen, after a few rounds of sex and loads, both were panting as they laid down the bed. Fallen Queen was relieved that her husband was finally relaxed, her "Rage" or "Horny" mode was over. Just as she was about to close her eyes while covering her boobs, Fallen King suddenly grabbed both of her big boobs and started to play with them. Fallen Queen moaned, but she didn't blame her husband for also being quite horny. After a while, Fallen Queen's boobs released milk after being played hard. Fallen King would go into his "Rage" or "Horny" mode and whisper to his wife, "My turn~".

"Oh shit...SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT-" Fallen Queen thought to herself. She tried to escape, but she knew she couldn't, so she accepted her fate. Fallen King would thrust his cock in a Side Wind-her Style. Fallen King did it so fast and hard that he was able to break the bed, and the bed would fall under the bedroom, where a hallway with a few Fallens and Fallen Guardians would stay and chat. The bed collapsed onto the ground. A few Fallens and Glitches checked the scene, only to find a hole at the roof and a broken bed with the Fallen King and Queen, naked but with no injuries, surprisingly. Everyone was shocked and bamboozled. In the end, the Fallen King and Fallen Queen just laughed cutely as they kissed in front of the Fallens, Glitches, and Fallen Guardians.

The End!

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