💔Solar Eclipse Commander x Commander: Commander's Break-up💔

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The high school bell rang as it was time for everyone to go home. A popular high school student by the name of "Solar Eclipse Commander" was impatiently waiting for someone for her date. Finally, after waiting for half an hour, a high school student who was basically the nerd of the whole school, Commander, finally arrived for Solar Eclipse Commander's date.

"Sorry, I'm late! I was..." Commander stuttered, but was brushed off by Solar Eclipse Commander.


"I-I'm sorry..." Commander stuttered again as he apologized .

"Ugh, let's just go, nerdface!" Solar Eclipse Commander started to walk with Commander, insulting him numerous times, but the nerdy and weak Commander didn't care as he just wanted to find love, even when he knew he wasn't popular.

They met at a coffee shop in the middle of town. It was a bit awkward at first, with both of them not exactly sure what to say. But as the conversation progressed, Solar Eclipse Commander began to make fun of Commander's hobbies and interests, making him feel bad about himself. "You really should go to the gym, I mean, look at you! Hahaha!".

Finally, the Solar Eclipse Commander had had enough. She stood up and yelled at the commander, "Screw this date! This was a waste of my precious time! I don't want to see you again!".

"S-Solar Eclipse Commander, w-wait!" Commander tried to stop her, but she had already stormed out of the coffee shop, leaving Commander sitting there with his coffee and his hurt feelings.

A couple of years went by, she was suddenly drafted to war against an unknown force of evil attacking their world, despite her hatred of it. She was surprisingly good due to her voice and military logistics, and she was able to climb up the ranks. It was at this time, the TDS Halloween 2021 Event: Solar Eclipse was happening, Solar Eclipse Commander found herself trapped by one of Umbra's military camps along with others but was saved by soldiers from an another Military Base. "Finally!" Solar Eclipse thought to herself. She would be assigned to a base since the base she was originally assigned to was destroyed by unknown enemies, where she met the base commander, none other than Commander himself. He was now fit, muscular, hot, and better than ever. The Solar Eclipse Commander was surprised to see him and quickly realised that she still had feelings for him. Solar Eclipse Commander would attempt to make a move, "Hey Commander~ Remember me from high school?". However, Commander's assistant, who was his girlfriend, Maid Commander, was staring at her with a death stare, but Commander assure his girlfriend that Solar Eclipse Commander was just a classmate back when he was in high school. Maid Commander sighs of relief but is still looking at Solar Eclipse Commander with a death stare.

Solar Eclipse Commander struggles to move on from her past, constantly seeing Commander at the base, trying to win his attention and making Maid Commander extremely jealous. Despite Umbra being defeated in the TDS Halloween Event 2021: Solar Eclipse Night 4 with the help of herself, Commander, their friends, and that Commander already forgave her for rejecting him when they were both in high school, she knows it's hopeless. She watches from afar, knowing Commander has found happiness with someone stronger and hotter than her. She feels disappointed, as she still has feelings for him, even after years. Her heart races when she sees him again, as if all the love she suppressed has resurfaced. Commander's strength, confidence, and attractiveness make her feel jealous, but she knows she has no right to feel jealous or bitter towards him, as she dumped him and insulted him on their first date.

A month after the events of the TDS Halloween Event 2021: Solar Eclipse ended.

Solar Eclipse Commander went to the girl's restroom, lost in her own thoughts. One of the doors in the restroom opened, and she felt a cold chill run down her spine. She saw through the mirror a knife in her neck and saw that it was Commander's girlfriend, Maid Commander, with an expression of pure hatred on her face.

"Stay away from him. He's mine now, and I'll kill you if you try to take him away from me." Maid Commander warned her. Solar Eclipse Commander didn't know what to say. She knew that Commander's girlfriend was serious and that she had every right to be jealous. She had insulted and hurt Commander before, and now she was the one who had to suffer the consequences. "I understand. I won't come anywhere near him..." Solar Eclipse Commander said finally.

"Really? I want you to say it out loud!" Maid Commander asked as her grip on the knife was starting to get tighter.

"Y-yes! I promise!" The Solar Eclipse Commander was starting to get scared.

"Good..." Maid Commander said as she left the girl's restroom, feeling satisfied, and leaving Solar Eclipse Commander alone with her thoughts. She knew that she'd made a mistake years ago, and now faces the consequences of her actions. She hopes Commander is happy with his new girlfriend and will be temporarily assigned to another base, as Maid Commander poses a significant threat to her.

The End!

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