🚪🔞Medic x Militant: A Secret Room🔞🚪

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Militant and his team were fighting a horde of zombies in the woods, where lots of gunshots could be heard. "Gosh, there are too many of them!" a Soldier said as he tried to fight them off. "Militant, we need to retreat. There are too many of them!" another soldier said as he tried to shoot as many zombies as he could. "YOU'RE RIGHT...THERE IS TOO MANY OF THEM! WE NEED TO GET BACK TO THE CHOPPA AND TELL COMMANDER THAT THERE WAS TOO MANY OF THEM!" Militant shouts for his team to retreat back to base. As they were running from the horde, a soldier got caught off-guard and was immediately caught by the horde of zombies but shouted, "ALL OF YOU, KEEP RUNNING! I WILL HOLD THEM OFF!". He grabbed a grenade and pulled the pin, exploding the horde of zombies around him. His team didn't have time to mourn his death, as there were still a lot of zombies chasing them. When they got to the helicopter, it was already destroyed. Realising they have no escape, they decide to fight until they die. One by one, Militant's team dies, gets eaten, or is captured by the zombies. There is nothing Militant can do except watch his comrades die. Suddenly, he tripped down the hill he was standing on and hit his head pretty hard, knocking him out.

And there was silence.



"Wake up, Militant."



Militant gasped for air. He tried to look around his surroundings but was released. He was in the medical centre, where Commander and Medic were checking if he's okay, but luckily he was. "Thank goodness you're alive! I thought you died for a second there. You're quite lucky that you survived. The zombies were dumb enough to think you were dead." the commander said as he calmed down. The soldier said nothing, traumatised by what happened to his comrades. "Medic, you take care of him while I try to figure out an alternate plan to defeat those zombies." Commander said as he left the Medical centre. "Well, I need to do something real quick. I have other patients to take care of, so cya." Medic said as she left the room. Militant decided to rest for a while, thinking about what happened to his comrades, while a tear dropped in his eye.

A few minutes have only passed, and Militant suddenly woke up to some sounds. Sounds that were unexplainable from afar, Militant thought to himself, "Damn, what the hell are those noises? I think I need to investigate.". When Militant got closer, he started to hear the sounds more clearly, and they sounded like moans like "A-ah~" and "Mmmm~". When Militant got to the centre of the sounds, he found a secret room! When he opened it, he saw something that would shock him and you. Medic was thrusting a huge dildo into her pussy while naked. She kept on moaning and moaning until she looked at the door and saw Militant standing there.

"OH SH- M-MILITANT! I didn't see you there! A-aren't you supposed to be resting?" Medic panicked as she tried to find her clothes.

"M-MEDIC, WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU D-DOING...?" Militant shouted in shock at what he just saw.

"I-I CAN EXPLAIN! I GOT A BIT HORNY...WELL...TOO HORNY." Medic tried to explain but then sawMilitant getting boners. The soldier looked down at his pants and tried to cover them, then looked at Medic. Both of them stared at each other until Medic, who was so horny at the time, thought of an idea, "You know, I could use that dick of yours instead of this stupid dildo~" Medic said in a seductive tone as she threw the dildo that she was using against the wall. Medic got closer to Militant, while Militant was backing away from Medic until he was pinned to the wall. "M-Medic, what the hell are you doing?!" Militant said while in a shocked expression.

"Let's have a look at the snake of yours~" Medic said while she took off Militant's pants and found a huge cock.

"HOLY SHIT! THATS FUCKING HUGE! "Medic shouted as she was fascinated by Militant's dick.

"Hmmm...how about we go to my room for some more privacy~" Medic said as she stood up and pulled Medic into the room while locking the door of the secret room. Militant was thrown to the bed. It was painful, but then when he opened his eyes, his cock had a condom on already, and Medic was already on top of him doing the Cowgirl Style, and she had already pounded her pussy into Militant's dick and started to pound her ass onto Militant's cock. Militant kept on moaning and moaning, he didn't seem to enjoy it a bit, except for Medic, who was enjoying it very much. "MMMMM YES~ FUCK~" Medic moaned in pleasure.

"OH FUCK- MEDIC, I'M GONNA CUM! GET OFF ME-'' Militant warned Medic in a panic tone, but Medic was too focused on pounding her ass to Militant's dick, but then Militant came into Medic's pussy with the condom on, both of them screamed in pleasure.

After that, Militant stood up, and the medic said while still panting, "Alright, it's your turn to fuck me~". She lies down on the bed in a Thigh-up Style. "Come on, what are you waiting for? Fuck me now, Militant! I am horny!" Medic commanded Militant furiously. Militant who was panting, he tried to look around for an escape, but there was nothing, so he decided to fuck Medic, so he thrust his cock onto Medic's pussy, and she moaned, "Ohhhh, yes~" So Militant kept on thrusting his dick into Medic's pussy faster and faster. They kept doing different kinds of positions to the point where they didn't even realise that it was already past midnight. "FUCK, WE HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR AN HOUR NOW!" Militant said while he still thrust his cock into Medic's pussy fast.

"IM GONNA C-CUM, MILITANT~" Medic said as she kept on screaming in pleasure loudly while Militant fucked her. As soon as Medic warned Militant, Militant came into Medic's pussy. "OOOHHH~ FUCK~" both of them said as Militant took his dick out of the hell hole and released more of his cum into Medic's stomach. Both of them looked at each other, and their faces were red. Militant fell down on the bed while both of them were panting.

"D-did that feel good, Militant? Because I bet it did~" Medic questioned Militant while holding his hand.

"Yes, yes, it did, Medic," the soldier said as she touched Medic's beautiful face.

"Oh, and about your comrades, most of them are fine, so there is no need to worry about them for now." Medic calmly said while she held the hand of the soldier that was touching her face.

"R-REALLY!?" Militant asked out loud while shocked that his comrades were still alive. Well, atleast most of them. "Yeah, but if you want to see them, they are in another military camp. So you can't see them for now, and besides, you still need to rest because of your injuries." Medic said calmly.

"Oh well, that makes sense. Well, it is getting pretty late now. So I guess we should sleep for now." Militant said.

"Yeah, good idea." Medic said as she connected her lips to Militant's lips.

"Goodnight Militant, I love you~" Medic said happily while she was getting tired.

"Sweet dreams, Medic~" Militant said as he winked his right eye, which made Medic flattered by him. Then they both slept on the bed while they were naked and while they were hugging each other.

The End!

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