🪦Grave Digger Engineer x Grave Digger: Burying The Past🪦

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Grave Digger groaned as he started to dig for a mysterious titan's or person's grave, this was like the 30th body that he was to dig for his graveyard shift. After he was finished digging the grave, he accidentally tripped on his lamp. "GAH!" Grave Digger shouted, and he stepped on the broken glass of the lamp. It was painful, but Grave Digger didn't care. Grave Digger would get back up with his left feet injured from the glass shards of the lamp. The graveyard was dark, filled with fog and the sounds of owls and crickets, and the wind was unnerving. Now, without Grave Digger's lamp, he could barely see anything. That was until he heard a noise from a distance, it sounded like it was heading in his direction. Grave Digger couldn't see the figure clearly, but he was reaching out for his shovel, just in case the mysterious figure did something bad. The figure was getting closer, and Grave Digger could see that it had a lamp that was the same as his, had tan skin, a dark brown coat, brown pants, a belt, shoe buckles, brown boots, mint hair emitting light blue smoke particles, a brown, gold-coloured prosthetic left arm, maroon gloves, a coffin on their back, and maroon pouches. Grave Digger couldn't see the mysterious figure's face, but the figure seemed to be a woman, and he drew his weapon, the shovel. The figure stopped in its tracks, and Grave Digger pointed his shovel at the woman. He felt an uneasy feeling that felt like he was in a dream. "W-who are you!? S-stay back!" Grave Digger said as his hand was holding the shovel shakedown.

"Calm down." the woman said with a ghostly tone.

"I am not calming down! Until you tell me who you are!" Grave Digger was about to attack until the mysterious woman gave her lamp to him.

"H-huh?" Grave Digger was confused. When grabbing the lamp, he could see the woman's face, it was Grave Digger Engineer.

"G-Grave Digger Engineer? My sweetheart, what are you doing here?" Gravedigger asked his wife politely while blushing, even when Grave Digger Engineer was quite old, she was beautiful.

"Well, I couldn't sleep, so I followed you from a distance. Sorry." Grave Digger Engineer said as she scratched her right arm. Grave Digger would brush his wife's hair to see her beautiful face and kiss her cheek. "It's ok, I understand how you feel. I'd probably do the same if I wanted to.". Both of them laughed and slowly kissed, connecting their lips to each other before letting go.

"G-Grave Digger?" Grave Digger Engineer asked in a shy tone.

"Yes, my love?" Grave Digger asked her, wondering what she'd ask.

"Can we go on a fancy date sometime? You were always away at home, our home!" Grave Digger Engineer asked her husband in a cute tone.

"Sure, sweetheart. Maybe we could go tomorrow?" Grave Digger responded to his wife.

"Mhm~ That's great to hear!" Grave Digger Engineer said in a happy tone.

"Your welcome~" Grave Digger politely responded.

"Mhm~ That's great to hear!" Grave Digger Engineer again said it in a happy tone.

"Y-yeah! It sure does." Grave Digger said, being slightly confused but fine so far.

"Mhm~ That's great to hear!" Grave Digger Engineer said for the third time in a happy tone.

"Ummm, sweetheart, are you okay?" Grave Digger asked in a matter of concern.

"Mhm~ That's great to he-" Grave Digger Engineer was about to say the same sentence again until her neck snapped, her face became disoriented, and she started to float by 2 inches from the ground. Grave Digger jumped and dropped on the ground, scared and shocked at what was happening to his wife. "S-sweetheart!? What happened to you!? Talk to me, please!" Grave Digger desperately tried to help his wife get down.

"Your wife isn't alive anymore." a mysterious figure said while the environment and surroundings around them started to turn into a black void.

"Who said that!? Who are you!?" Grave Digger was able to get his wife on the ground and carry her in bridal style. The mysterious figure started to reveal himself with a dark purple Viking helmet, black reflective bowtie, glowing purple eyes, reflective black skin, appeared to be faceless, had a granite waistcoat, dark purple elbow pads, two gloves, dark grey knee pads, black boots, and twisted metal protruding from his torso and right leg. It was clear that the mysterious figure was The Creator. "N-no...it's you! What have you done to my wife!?" Grave Digger shouted while crying over his wife's dead body. The Creator just laughed at him.

"What's so funny!?" Grave Digger shouted at the creator.

"Oh, nothing. I just like seeing people like you suffer." The Creator said while trying not to giggle or laugh.

"YOU BASTARD! MY WIFE IS ALIVE, SHE IS FUCKING ALIVE. THIS IS ALL A DREAM!" Grave Digger shouted but was suddenly transported to the 30th grave that he was digging.

"W-what is this?" Grave Digger said this in a sad tone while holding his wife.

"Read the gravestone, Grave Digger." The Creator said.

Grave Digger would read what the gravestone said, and his eyes turned wide and he couldn't say anything. The gravestone read, "R.I.P. Grave Digger Engineer". The gravedigger was angry at the Creator for showing him this. Grave Digger's wife was dead for a long time. Grave Digger blamed himself for the cause of her death and always hallucinated and believed that his wife was still alive even though she wasn't, but The Creator was very responsible for Grave Digger's wife being poisoned.

"Move on, Grave Digger. She isn't coming back, and she never will." The Creator laughed insanely.

"W-why...? What has she done to you!?" Grave Digger shouted at him.

"Reasons. She was part of a plan that would stop me so I had to kill her." The Creator said while grinning.

"YOU SON OF A B-" just as Grave Digger was about to swear to The Creator and was about to punch him, he would be teleported into the black void again, where he noticed that his wife and The Creator were gone from his sight.

Suddenly the black void would summon a bunch of weird-looking eyes and mouths around Grave Digger and would tell him, "Wake Up. This is a dream. Wake Up. This is a dream. WAKE UP. THIS IS A DREAM.".

"SHUT UP!" Grave Digger shouted as he covered his ears until, suddenly, he finally woke up from his nightmare. Grave Digger would try to grasp for air and look around and be relieved that it was all just a dream or a nightmare, but when he looked around, he realised that his wife was really gone, he always dreamed of her being still alive, not wanting to accept his reality. Grave Digger would sigh and get up from the bed, getting ready for his graveyard shift. As he was about to get out of his old house, he grabbed a few withered roses and headed to the graveyard. Before he was about to start working, he would go to his wife's grave in grief over her death. Grave Digger would put the withered roses on his wife's grave, which was filled with every kind of flower that Grave Digger had placed. "Why...why must you go...?" Grave Digger said in a depressed tone and sat down near her gravestone, tears flowing through his eyes.

The End!

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