Hope is lost

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Kaneki had searched for you day and night for a few weeks, but he had no luck whatsoever. The regret he was feeling had been building up all this time as well, and he was finally at his breaking point. Kaneki got insanely drunk one evening and ended up in a cab going south for sixty miles. The only reason he came too was the driver telling him to get out and pay up. A confused and slightly sobered up Kaneki paid the man and exited the car.

"Fuck, I over did it, now where the fuck am I?" He looked around to see he was in a rather poor and harsh part of town. His eyes traveled along the road, and he spotted a coffee shop.

"Perfect, I'll drink some coffee then head back home. There's no point in searching for her tonight, I'll never find her. I hope we really do meet again somehow, some way." He said to himself as he walked towards the coffee shop. As he passed along the way he saw gangs gathering at the end of alleyways while homeless people lined the walls setting up tents and makeshift housing for the night.

Upon entering the coffee shop Kaneki saw there was no line and only a few people inside. "Ok, this place isn't too bad." He thought as he approached the barista.

When he went to order two men suddenly stood up and started arguing, then shoving one another.

"Ugh fuck not again, Rico!!!" The barista yelled out. "Ok sorry sir that'll be $3.26 please"

Kaneki handed her the money, and she quickly poured his coffee in a mug. The men started throwing punches now, the first guy hit so hard blood splattered out from the other man's mouth. Kaneki caught a sniff of that blood and his mouth instantly watered.

"On second thought to go please" Kaneki quickly said to the barista.

"Ha I don't blame you, I guess I'm just used to this by now." She said as she switched his coffee into a to- go cup.

"Here ya go"

"Thank you" Kaneki said as he bowed and took off.

He quickly turned the corner as he began to breathe hard. He tried to concentrate and stabilize his breathing. After a few minutes he felt better and took a sip of his coffee.

"Wow, thank goodness the coffees good" he said to himself. He stayed leaning against the wall, he was about to push off and begin walking when he heard two men stop just around the corner of the wall he was leaning on.

"You'll never believe what just happened"

"Fuck what bro?"

"Dude, I almost fucking got some right now!"

"Fuck that's what's up bro, what happened?"

"I found this hot ass bitch chillin in the back of the liquor store down the block, I talked to her, and she seemed like she had nowhere to go. I told this bitch I'd let her stay at my place IF she lets me fuck her. She thought hard about it but was hesitant to say yes. Bro I'm telling you she was a fucking 10 bro, like fuck you'd get hard just looking at her."

"Shit man really, why didn't you fuck her then?"

"She ended up saying no"

The other guy laughed. "Hahaha and...?"

The guy laughed as well, "hahaha so, normally I don't take no for an answer anyways haha"

"Fuck yes that's what I was waiting for, go on playa"

"So, I told that bitch exactly that, I don't take no for answer, and I grabbed her and started to pull her shirt off, when she fucking pissed herself man"

"Aww what a fucking mood killer, you know I been hearing bitches be doing that lately to stop us from fucking them."

"Yeah well it works, fuck I'm horny but I don't wanna have to deal with her piss getting all over me plus who knows I may get a disease from that"

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