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About a month after the entire death of "Team J" happened, the director ordered all special class investigators to live at the facility for a month and train. Train day and night to prepare for their battle with you. Meanwhile the scientist and engineers they had were working just as hard to upgrade the quinques.

Misaki made good use of you, everything was falling into place now, because of you Misaki was close to overtaking the city. You had taken out every ghoul and human gang that was involved in moving drugs. Giving all the power they had to Misaki. With this he was able to control every single drug port in the entire city. The last thing he needed to overtake was the mayor. He was heavily guarded with humans and ghouls, but now even more so due to the pattern he had you make.. Misaki figured the police knew you'd kill him next. "No matter, I know she can take everyone out, I need her too ...I'm so close to taking over this city, and then the state, and then eventually the whole world!" he said to himself as he entered the room you two shared. You were fast asleep, he came over and laid beside you. He stayed there looking over your body, admiring it, his hand came up and caressed your cheek. He let his hand fall down your neck to your breast and caressed it. He looked down and...nothing.

He hates himself for this, he lusted after you badly, and desperately wanted to fuck you, but despite all of this, he can't get himself up. It was an issue that no amount of medicine or stimulation was able to fix. "Well, if I still can't fuck you there's no point in having you here. I should have you undergo special training just in case, I need you to stay in tip top shape my little killer" he said lowly as he continued to watch you sleep. He got up and began unbuttoning his shirt, "Team X, take her to the training chamber" he yelled out.

Suddenly a huge man walked in and grabbed you out of bed startling you awake. Your instincts kicked in immediately, your kagune came out and killed him.

"Dammit" Misaki came over and smacked you.

"You're not fighting, why would you do that if you know you're here with me. What if that were me?!" He yelled at you.

You looked away and apologized. Two more men came in from Team X and took you away.

"Work her twice as hard now" Misaki said to the second in command.

"Yes sir."

He had them train you relentlessly, it entailed sedating you heavily then expecting you to perform at your one hundred percent best. Each time you were beat, they'd start over.

They did this to you 24 hours a day every day, only stopping every twelve hours to let you feed so that you could keep on going. Little hallucinations began to set in every once in a while.

You would see yourself with a man, he had pure white hair, but he called you by a name that was not familiar to you.

"I love you Y/N..."

"I love you too Ken..."

You saw play out in your head. "How weird, I must be going crazy now..." you said to yourself as you tried to shake yourself back to reality.

"Fuck" you said as you saw kagune from all directions centimeters away from you. The hallucination took up the time you had to react so everything ended up penetrating right through you.

"Again!" The leader yelled out.

You healed and they came at you again.

Another month passed and both sides were hard at work. One by choice the other my force.

The mission to end you was to take place in a few days, this caused Haise to have and overwhelming amount of anxiety. His mind was made up now, you were pure evil who liked to kill for fun. You want to take over everything for some reason, and you will kill whoever gets in your way to do so. There was no reasoning with you, and you needed to be taken out.

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